Hi, my name is Eronides Neto, you can call me Eron. I have a MSc in computer science and a BSc in Electronic Engineering. Currently, I'm working as a Software Engineer at SERPRO (https://www.serpro.gov.br/). My main activities are related to the development of proof of concept and prototype of innovative solutions.
Skills involved in my main tasks:
- Data Analysis and exploration based on Python
- API development
- Firmware development based on C/C++
- Evaluation of Machine Learning models applied to problem solving
- PCB Design (Altium Designer)
- Hardware testing: planning and execution of hardware automated and manual tests
- carOBD database
carOBD is a open-source repository, that describes an OBD-II dataset adquired during my master thesis If you use PLEASE CITE MY ARTCILE AS REFERENCE OF THE DATABASE. The work of my master thesis (Detecting Anomalies in the Engine Coolant Sensor Using One-Class Classifiers
) are available ate IEEE.
Some of my open repositories are related to programming classes at CESAR School
Please feel free to contact/ask me about IoT with hardware/firmware development. I'm also a member of The Things Network community in my city, Recife-PE, Brazil.