This is a fork of, which is a node module that pulls useful color information out of an image through a combination of ImageMagick color quantization algorithms and human fiddling. This fork adds support for streams as input (additional to HTTP URLs and local file path).
You can install via NPM.
[~] npm install
Using this module is pretty straight forward.
// load module
var imagecolors = require('imagecolors');
* extract predominant colors from image
* note: maximum is currently capped at 96, need to do load testing before raising
* usage: extract(imagePath, numColors, callback)
imagecolors.extract('./photo.jpg', 6, function(err, colors){
if (!err){
* convert colors to a custom palete
* usage: convert(color_object, palette_json, callback)
imagecolors.convert(colors, './palette.json', function(err, colors){
if (!err){
Note: There are also example assets in the examples folder to help get you started.
This is what returned color objects look like.
pixels : 208781,
hex : '#F0F0DC',
labelHex : '#444444',
rgb : { r: 240, g: 240, b: 220 },
hsv : { h: 60, s: 8, v: 94 },
hsl : { h: 60, s: 40, l: 90 },
luminance : '0.94',
cmyk : { c: 0, m: 0, y: 8, k: 6 },
percent : 10.07,
family : 'yellow'