Create a program, which, given a valid sequence of throws for one game of American Ten-Pin Bowling, produces the total score for the game . Your code will become the core of a bowling score management system, so make sure it fully complies with the input and output requirements, and represents your best code.
- Spring Boot - Inversion of Control Framework
- Bootstrap 4 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
- Thymeleaf - Template Engine
- Gradle - Dependency Management and Build Tool
- Eric Opoku - Initial work
Clone the project using the http link
Import the project to IDE if prefered using Gradle option
Gradle wrapper can be executed from the tasks listed in the IDE after importing if Gradle is not instaled
Run the application using - gradle bootRun - assuming Gradle is locally installed
If Gradle is not installed, use the gradle wrapper task - ./gradlew bootRun
To run the test, simply run - gradle test or - ./gradlew test
Once the application starts, access it using - http://localhost:8080/
An instance of this application has been deployed to heroku -
This application has also been deployed to -
A docker image with the name - ericus20/bowling-solution - is exposed on port - 8080 -