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Misc. Build notes

Eric Berman edited this page May 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

How to test an archive build: Dist certificate seems to be MFBDistW9A. Note: to debug using no http, set NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads to True in info.plist. Provisioning help seems to be at

WANT THE APPID OF MM28ESNW9A (), NOT 99X7N8Z9WP (com.myflightbook.myflightbookiphone), WHICH MEANS THE DIST CERTIFICATE XC:, NOT XC: com.myflightbook.myflightbookiphone

AIRPORTS To import airports, use the SQLite Manager firefox extension and load the csv file that is produced by a query on airports. Voila! CREATE TABLE "main"."airports" ("AirportID" VARCHAR NOT NULL , "FacilityName" VARCHAR NOT NULL , "Lat" REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, "Long" REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, "Type" VARCHAR, "SourceUserName" VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY ("AirportID", "Type"))

EXPORT COMPLIANCE: On Oct 17, 2016, I called BIS (202)-482-0707 to understand the "Encryption Registration No Longer Required" changes that occurred on Sept 20 2016. I was advised that the app would fall under EAR99 (basically a catch-all bucket) and would be exempt due to Note 4. See, but the key piece is this, which seems to apply: The Adoption of Note 4 Decontrols The decontrols note appears as Note 4 to Category 5, Part 2 of the CCL and provides as follows: Note 4: Category 5, Part 2 does not apply to items incorporating or using "cryptography" and meeting all of the following: (a) The primary function or set of functions is not any of the following:
     (1) "Information security";
     (2) A computer, including operating systems, parts and components therefor;
     (3) Sending, receiving or storing information (except in support of entertainment, mass commercial broadcasts, digital rights
          management or medical records management); or
     (4) Networking (includes operation, administration, management and provisioning);
(b) The cryptographic functionality is limited to supporting their primary function or set of functions; and
(c) When necessary, details of the items are accessible and will be provided, upon request, to the appropriate authority in the exporter’s
     country in order to ascertain compliance with conditions described in paragraphs (a) and (b) above. Note 4 completely removes the decontrolled items from control under Category 5, Part 2 of the CCL. Please note that certain products may be controlled under an ECCN elsewhere in the CCL even if they are no longer controlled for encryption reasons.

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