The Epirus command line tools enable developers to interact with blockchains more easily. The Epirus command line tools allow allow you to use some of the key functionality of Epirus using Web3j from your terminal, including:
- New project creation
- New Web3j-OpenAPI project creation
- Project creation from existing Solidity code
- Web3j-OpenAPI project creation from existing Solidity code
- Wallet creation
- Wallet password management
- Ether transfer from one wallet to another
- Generation of Solidity smart contract wrappers
- Smart contract auditing
On Linux/macOS, in a terminal, run the following command:
curl -L | sh
This script will not work if Epirus has been installed using Homebrew on macOS.
On Windows, in PowerShell, run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Smart contract auditing functionality is provided by SmartCheck