IPAC Driver Version 2.3
Released: 2001-03-08
By: Andrew Johnson
- EPICS Base 3.13.x
The source tree includes a copy of all the documents along with the full release notes history for each module; on building these files get installed into a new top-level html
directory. The links below currently point to the HTML files in the github repository at the time of the release, but they will not be rendered properly by your browser.
- drvIpac - Industry Pack Driver
- drvTip810 - CAN Bus Driver
- devCan - CAN Bus Device Support
- tyGSOctal - OctalUart IP Module Support
Release Notes
Changes since V2.2 release.
IPAC Driver
- Recognition of high-speed (32 MHz) IP modules in ipmCheck; these have an ID prom that starts 'IPAH' rather than the usual 'IPAC'. Carrier drivers that can change a slot's clock speed in software must scan the ID proms for their slots at 8MHz and then switch any that can run at 32 MHz. '''Note:''' I don't actually know of any carriers that can do this; the IPIC chip on the MVME162/172 has an IP Clock Register, but this only controls cycle synchronization logic - the IP clock rate is set using jumpers on the CPU board (and appears to affect all the IP slots together).
- Added warning message to VIPC610 and VIPC616 drivers whenever a Level 7 interrupt is enabled, as the connected ISR should not call ''any'' vxWorks routines. Usually it is a mistake to use this, but unfortunately the boards are delivered with slot D IRQ0 wired for this level. Also put an explanatory note in the carrier board documentation.
- Added a driver for the VIPC616-01 option, which isn't subject the the problems in the previous bullet point.
- Brought the index.html file for the ipac module home page into the software distribution and reorganized the links so they work even when viewed from the a local
install directory. - New 'R' configuration parameter to the ipMv162 carrier driver which gives all slots a hardware reset pulse on startup. If used, this must be the first character of the string.
- Removed CANbus-specific comments from the IPAC Release Notes.
CANbus Driver
- Removed IPAC-specific comments from the CANbus Release Notes.
- Added a new parameter to the t810Create routine to set the interrupt vector number to be used. '''Existing applications must be changed''' to add this parameter (probably only in the startup script), which appears before the busRate parameter.
- Carl Lionberger's String In device support for use with the Wiener VME crate. Note that this is '''not''' generic stringin support, and has been renamed from his original to
. In deference to the existing applications that are using this I have retained the"CANbus"
device type string, although I'd really rather have changed it. - The
header file is now installed into the$(TOP)/include
directory so applications can get at thet810Status()
Octal Serial Driver
- Modified documentation to indicate non-support of the new IP-OctalPlus module family, which uses different UARTS.
- Burkhard W. Kolb's RebootHook routine to turn off interrupts.