Jenkins plugin for building CI/CD pipelines on top of Kubernetes and ArgoCD.
The goal of this project is to provide easy to use tools for setting up a software pipeline. Functionality will be based on the CI/CD pipeline best practises developed by Entigo which describe how to build the software, run it through analysis, tests and environments, and deploy the results to production.
This plugin is still in active development and more functionality will be implemented soon.
The released .hpi file can be installed into Jenkins by using the "Upload Plugin" option found under Manage Jenkins -> Plugin Manager -> Advanced
Before using any build steps
- Configure the ArgoCD connections and their matchers in Configure System -> Entigo Pipeline
- Note, steps select the connection to use based on a priority order:
- Selector parameter in the step command
- Selector set with env variable ARGO_CD_SELECTOR
- Default ArgoCD connection set in the global configuration
- Connections
- Connection name - unique name for a connection which is used when selecting a connection during a build.
- Host uri - has to include http or https scheme and not include the api path.
- Credentials - Jenkins Credential with Secret text type and with a value of ArgoCD user authentication token.
- Ignore ArgoCD SSL Certificate Errors disables all SSL errors and enables insecure connections.
- App wait timeout - in seconds for how long ArgoCD step will wait for application requests to finish, fails the build if timeout is exceeded.
- Generate a name based matcher - after applying the changes, it will automatically generate a matcher that has a pattern that strictly matches the connection name.
- Default ArgoCD connection - default connection to use when neither step nor env variable specify a selector for choosing a connection.
- Connection matchers
- Matching Pattern - Java regex based pattern which will be matched against the specified selector value.
- Connection name - name of the connection to use when pattern matches.
- ARGO_CD_SELECTOR - Optional, overrides the global default connection, sets a value which is used to select a connection based on the configured connection matchers. For example:
Optional, overrides the global configuration of connection matchers. Can be set through the Job UI or DSL. Parameters:
- List of connection matchers
- Pattern - view Matching Pattern in ArgoCD configuration section
- ConnectionName - view Connection name in ArgoCD configuration section
Example usage
options {
[connectionName: 'dev', pattern: '^.*/dev']
Sends application sync request to ArgoCD. Parameters:
- name - Required, name of the ArgoCD application.
- wait - Wait for application sync to complete. Default true.
- waitTimeout - Overrides Global configuration. View App wait timeout from ArgoCD configuration section.
- waitFailure - Fail the build when waiting for the sync to complete exceeds the timeout. Default true.
- connectionSelector - Overrides the ARGO_CD_SELECTOR env variable, value which is used to select a connection based on the configured connection matchers.
Minimal usage example
syncArgoApp 'application-name'
Full example
syncArgoApp wait: true, name: 'application-name', waitTimeout: 600, connectionSelector: 'selector-value'
Gets information about the ArgoCD application. Parameters:
- name - Required, name of the ArgoCD application.
- projectName - Optional, name of the ArgoCD project.
- connectionSelector - Overrides the ARGO_CD_SELECTOR env variable, value which is used to select a connection based on the configured connection matchers.
- waitTimeout - Overrides Global configuration. View App wait timeout from ArgoCD configuration section.
Returned values:
- repoUrl - ArgoCD application source repo URL
- revision - ArgoCD application source target revision
- path - ArgoCD application source path
- connectionName - name of the ArgoCD connection that was used
Minimal usage example
getArgoApp 'application-name'
Full example
getArgoApp connectionSelector: 'selector-value', name: 'application-name', projectName: 'project-name', waitTimeout: 60
Deletes ArgoCD application. Parameters:
- name - Required, name of the ArgoCD application.
- cascade - Optional, perform a cascaded deletion of all application resources. Default true.
- connectionSelector - Overrides the ARGO_CD_SELECTOR env variable, value which is used to select a connection based on the configured connection matchers.
- waitTimeout - Overrides Global configuration. View App wait timeout from ArgoCD configuration section.
Minimal usage example
deleteArgoApp 'application-name'
Full example
deleteArgoApp cascade: true, connectionSelector: 'selector-value', name: 'application-name', waitTimeout: 60
Lists the configured connection names from the Global Configuration.
Usage example
Example use case
def destinations = listArgoConnections()
pipeline {
parameters {
choice(name: 'dstenv', choices: destinations)
Binds env variables based on the given connection selector.
- ARGO_CD_SERVER - ArgoCD Host uri
- ARGO_CD_TOKEN - ArgoCD Credentials user authentication token
- connectionSelector - value which is used to select a connection based on the configured connection matchers.
Example use case
echo env.ARGO_CD_TOKEN
When creating a connection in the configuration, don't uncheck the matcher generation. Replace the connection-name value with the name of a pre-configured connection and application-name with the name of the ArgoCD application to synchronize.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('ArgoCD sync') {
steps {
script {
appInfo=getArgoApp name: 'application-name', connectionSelector: 'connection-name'
echo 'Application repoURL: ' + appInfo.repoUrl
echo 'Application target revision: ' + appInfo.revision
echo 'Application path: ' + appInfo.path
syncArgoApp name: 'application-name', connectionSelector: 'connection-name'