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Enrico Sada edited this page Jun 17, 2016 · 3 revisions


This for sure is not the changelog of .NET CLI (lots of stuff going on), but some useful info for F# devs

This changelog document important changes and a new version is added when for sure works Latest document WIP useful for f# devs coming next version

Latest: [WIP] preview2 in dotnet/cli repo

When latest works ok, it become a new lkg. Meanwhile it can or cannot work

  • use dotnet-compile-fsc tool to integrate .NET CLI and fsc. Previously the compile-fsc command was embedded inside dotnet.exe
### 1.0.0-preview1-002702: [STABLE] Preview1 Support netstandard 1.5, xplat

That's the released preview1 in and works ootb with F#

Notable features:

  • works on all supported os (win/osx/ubuntu/docker)
  • support netstandard1.* target framework
  • support netcoreapp1.0
  • dotnet sdk extensions work (tools)
  • portable pdb can be enabled from project.json
### 1.0.0-beta-002071: Support netstandard, xplat

The .NET CLI version now use semver (major.minor.patch-prerelease) instead of 4 numbers (A.B.C.D) That's the version used to download files

The dnxcore50 framework is obsolete, use netstandard1.5 instead. It's possibile to import the dnxcore50 in netstandard1.5 to use packages built for dnxcore50

The Microsoft.NETCore.App package group the most used deps for an app

  • support win, osx, ubuntu

  • support netstandardapp1.* and netstandard1.* frameworks

  • Fsharp.Core package: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.netcore: 1.0.0-alpha-160316

  • project.json properties

    • fix named .resx resources inside namedResource
    • support compilationOptions.warningsAsErrors ( --warnaserror )
    • support compilationOptions.delaySign ( --delaysign+ )
    • support compilationOptions.keyFile ( --keyfile )
    • support compilationOptions.xmlDoc
    • support compilationOptions.optimize ( --optimize+ if true )
    • support compilationOptions.platform ( --platform )
    • use compilationOptions.debugType to specify pdb type ( debugType: portable => --debug:portable ) by default it's previous behaviour, no pdb on osx/ubuntu (zero size for workaround), pdbonly on win
  • dotnet build

    • the response file is used instead of pass all arguments
    • the arguments list is in the same order of msbuild, easier to diff
    • fix version, pass generated version info source file as last but one (last file is main)
    • do not copy FSharp.Core to output dir (--nocopyfsharpcore), it's done by publish/pack
  • dotnet new

    • updated generated project to:
      • use framework netstandard1.5 by default
      • import dnxcore50 and portable profiles)
      • use Microsoft.NETCore.App deps by default
      • use Fsharp.Core to 1.0.0-alpha-160316
### First lkg
  • support win. osx/ubuntu with workarounds

  • support dnxcore50 framework

  • others frameworks supported by .NET CLI should work

  • Fsharp.Core package: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.netcore: 1.0.0-alpha-151221

  • project.json properties

    • use compilerName: fsc to use fsc compiler instead of default csc
    • the compileFiles works for specify source file order
    • the emitEntryPoint: true build a console app, instead of library
    • the dependencies or frameworks.{framework}.dependencies to specify dependencies
    • use compilationOptions.additionalArguments to pass additional arguments
    • use compilationOptions.define to pass compiler directives ( -d )
    • use compilationOptions.nowarn to ignore warnings ( --nowarn )
  • dotnet new

    • use --lang f# to create a F# console project
    • the Nuget.config contains the feed with .NET Core FSharp.Core
  • known issues

    • the generated pdb file is zero size, it's a workaround to make .NET CLI work
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