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Jeremy Poulin edited this page Jul 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

To add a new issue to iSENSE you'll want to gather the following information.

General description: Give a clear and concise description of the issue. Please also include what you expected and what actually happened.

live/dev/localhost: live is, dev is, and localhost is your local copy
iSENSE Version: The version number is at the very bottom of the iSENSE homepage. Note the version of your localcopy is “Development Version.”
Logged in (Y or N): If you are logged into an account, please state Y; otherwise N.
Admin (Y or N): If you are logged into an admin account, please state Y; otherwise N.

OS: State the OS you were on while you discovered the issue.
Browser/Version: i.e. Chrome V 30.0.1599.114

Steps to Reproduce: Please give a step by step explanation of how to reproduce the issue you are reporting.

Associated Image(s): Please insert and caption any relevant images here.

Here’s a blank template you will be able to copy and paste right into GitHub:

**General description:**

**iSENSE Version:**
**Logged in (Y or N):**
**Admin (Y or N):**


**Steps to Reproduce:**

**Associated Image(s):**

If you know the testing procedure, append this and add step-by-step instructions on how to test the issue:

### Testers: