E Boland 2021 - contact [email protected] for any issues
Example notebooks that take ECCOv4 generated adjoint sensitivity fields (see Forget et al. 2015) and convolve with other fields.
Examples include convolving with ECCOv4 surface forcing standard deviation fields and inter-model standard deviations of surface fields from CMIP models (generated as in the CMIP_ranges notebooks)
The convolve_examples notebook loads ECCOv4 standard deviations, CMIP5 and CMIP6 intermodel standard deviations of various surface fields, convolves them with adjoint sensitivities1, and makes some example plots.
I recommend using the convolve_examples notebook as a starting point for generating and testing your own scripts that can be submitted to JASMIN's analysis machines.
Requires the ecco_v4_py library to read/plot ECCO data on the LLC grid, available here: https://github.com/ECCO-GROUP/ECCOv4-py/