- Introduce Navigation Architecture Component and orchestrate the in-app navigation by using it
- Introduce Kotlin Coroutine Channels and expose the API response via LiveData
- Introduce Paging library and use it for pagination
- Introduce MotionLayout and apply some nice animations on DetailPage
- Use Room DB for the FavouriteScreen and persist the data
- Write unit tests for the existing classes
- Write espresso tests for the existing classes
- Introduce the latest UI elements from Android Material Design library and do some cosmetic on existing screens
- Apply some meaningful animations and share the best practice knowledge
- Try to find the best practices for tracking
- Use Firebase for Machine Learning
- Try to extract business logic to Kotlin Native classes
Each tab has a separate NavHost with own backstack.
- Each gradle feature module holds its nav subgraph that is included into the main navgraph located the
module - Feature modules send navigation commands via an interface
- The
module implements this interface, maps navigation commands to global actions in the nav graph and executes them usingNavController
- Module's fragments are
and not exposed - Feature modules do not depend on each other, only on the
module - Module's fragments can use generated SafeArgs, because they own their nav subgraphs