- install OS X
- Update OS X
Download: https://github.com/emilmilanov/mac-setup/archive/master.zip
sh ~/Downloads/mac-setup-master/osx-bootstrap.sh
- logout
- login
- general > appearance > graphite
- dock > size > small
- keyboard > key repeat > fastest
- keyboard > delay until repeat > slow
- keyboard > modifier keys > caps lock > no action
- keyboard > shortcuts > spotlight > none
- keyboard > shortcuts > mission control > switch to desktop 1 check
- sharing > computer name > Machinery
- accessibility > mouse & trackpad > trackpad > enable dragging > three finger drag
- trackpad > tracking speed to 80%
- mouse > tracking speed > 80%
- mouse > secondary click > check
- security & privacy > general > allow apps from anywhere
sh ~/Downloads/mac-setup-master/osx-apps-bootstrap.sh
sh ~/Downloads/mac-setup-master/osx-mackup.sh
- users & groups > login items > add launchbar
- users & groups > login items > add keyboard maestro
- users & groups > login items > betterTouchTool
- launchbar
- km
- karabiner
- seil
- bartender
- security & privacy > privacy > accessibility > bettertouch tool, karabiner, seil, keyboard maestro engine, launchbar applescript runner, launchbar
- launch google chrome, sign in and set up sync
- finder > settings > general > new window show google drive folder
- bettertouchtool - import settings file from mackup
- launchbar - add folder to monitor: OPT with brew cask apps
- km - settings > general > Launch engine at login
- Icon Slate
- Inboard - make images backup
- soulver
- codebox
Launch apps above which require login.
- 1password > advanced > enable integration with third party apps
Run sketch toolbox.
- Sync plugins
- Cemre Sketch plugins
- Sketch dynamic button
- sketch upload to cloudApp
.txt, .md - FoldingText .avi, .mp4 -vlc
- cs6
- lightroom
sh ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Mackup/shell/mackup-restore-on-secondary-computers.sh
cd .oh-my-zsh && git stash && upgrade_oh_my_zsh
vim -c VundleUpdate -c quitall
ssh data is not covered by syncing
periodicaly: brew update && brew upgrade && brew cask update && brew cleanup && brew cask cleanup This is candidate for periodic maintennce script.
Key repeat bug for vim mode in folding text
defaults write com.foldingtext.FoldingText ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false