Lightweight database and ORM layer for the LocalStorage-enabled browsers
Download and include lsdb.js to your app
<script type="text/javascript" src="[yourpath]/lsdb.js"></script>
Create new connection
var db = new dbb({ dbname: 'db_demo' });
Insert record:
db.insert('users', { name: 'Engelbert', lastname: 'Humperdinck' });
Select record:'users');
Update record:
db.update('users', { name: 'Zingelbert', lastname: 'Bembledack' }, 1);
Drop table:
I used it mostly for the rich UI prototypes. On prototyping stage, all database interaction is done via lsdb.js layer, which then can be easily replaced by the real ORM. But of course, you can build a real-world stateful client-side applications with it as well.
You can use reduce-style callbacks for almost every lsdb.js operation.
Retrieving only adults'users', function(rec) {
return rec.age > 17;
Updating only Engelberts
db.update('users', { new_field: 'I am the Moon' }, function(rec) {
return ( == 'Engelbert')
var db = new lsdb({ dbname: 'db_demo' });
db.insert( 'users', { name: 'Engelbert', lastname: 'Humperdinck' } );
db.insert( 'users', [
{ name: 'Yingybert', lastname: 'Dambleban' },
{ name: 'Wengelbert', lastname: 'Humptyback' }
] );
db.update('users', { new_field: 'I am the Moon' }, 1); // update record with id = 1
db.update('users', { new_field: 'I am the Moon' }, [ 1, 2 ] ); // update several records
db.update('users', { new_field: 'I am the Moon' }, function(rec) { // update via reduce callback
return ( == 'Engelbert')
1: Object
id: 1
lastname: "Dambleban"
name: "Yingybert"
new_field: "I'm the Moon"
2: Object
id: 2
lastname: "Humptyback"
name: "Wengelbert"
db.select_all('users', 'array'); // will produce the array instead of object
or'users', 1); // select single record by id
or'users', [ 1, 2 ], 'array' ); // select several records by ids as array
or'users', function(rec) {
return rec.new_field; // return only records with the certain field set
}); // select records via reduce
db.remove('users', [ 1, 2 ]);
db.remove('users', function(rec) {
return rec.new_field; // remove only records with the certain field set
}); // select records via reduce
To start working with the ORM layer you should define your models:
var User = {
table: 'users', // table name
fields: [ 'id', 'name', 'lastname' ], // fields
associations: [ // array of associations
{ type: 'hasMany', model: 'Project', name: 'projects' }
var Project = {
table: 'projects', // table name
fields: [ 'id', 'title', 'description' ], // fields
associations: [ // array of associations
{ type: 'hasOne', model: 'User', name: 'user' }
db.orm_init( { models: { 'Project': Project, 'User': User } } );
db.orm_save('User', { name: 'Howard', lastname: 'Moon' });
db.orm_save('User', [
{ name: 'Howard', lastname: 'Moon' },
{ name: 'Vincent', lastname: 'Noire' }
db.orm_save('User', { name: 'Howard', lastname: 'Moon', id: 1 });
or (update and create in one command)
db.orm_save('User', [
{ name: 'Howard', lastname: 'Moon', id: 1 },
{ name: 'New', lastname: 'Gregg' }
var id = db.orm_save('User', { name: 'Vincent', lastname: 'Noire' } );
db.orm_save( 'Project', [
{ title: 'Make up the hair', user: id },
{ title: 'Be gorgeous', user: id }
var users = db.orm_load( 'User' );
id: 3
lastname: "Noire"
name: "Vincent"
projects: Array[2]
0: Object
id: 1
title: "Make up the hair"
1: Object
id: 2
title: "Be gorgeous"
All associated recors will also be retrieved.
db.orm_remove( 'User', [1, 3] );
db.orm_remove( 'User', function(rec) { return rec.lastname=='Noire' } );
Tested on Chrome and Firefox. Wait, are there any other browsers?