SureMD will find all markdown files (.md) in the subdirectories and process them, creating the files and running the console commands specified in the documentation.
Just call
. It will search for markdown files in the current
working directory and will process them in the build/ directory.
$ ./
It is also possible to call
with directories and markdown
$ ./
To learn how to use SureMD take a look into the files in the tutorial/ directory. Here is one example:
- To create a file use triple ticks followed by the language (```XXX), add a comment with the filename (no spaces), the code for the file, and end with triple ticks.
/* File: main.c */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 1)
/* No arguments. */
printf("Hello, World!\n");
/* One or more arguments. */
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
printf("Hello, %s!\n", argv[i]);
return 0;
The first line (filename comment) is removed from the output file.
- To run a command use triple ticks followed by "console" (```console), write the command prepended with a dollar sign. Write a comment before the first command (optional). Write the expected output after the command (optional). All commands must succeed (return zero).
$ gcc -o main main.c
$ ./main
Hello, World!
$ ./main alice $USER bob
Hello, alice!
Hello, ...!
Hello, bob!