Ember-Cli-Admin-Auth is a plugin for [Ember-Cli-Admin] 2 that provides easy way to add authorization functionality.
ember install:addon ember-cli-admin-auth
Or if you're using Ember CLI 0.1.4 or older:
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-admin-auth
ember generate ember-cli-admin-auth
##Auth Provider
This plugin is based on awesome [ember-cli-simple-auth] 3.
As you may know, this package use different providers for authorization.
By default, Ember-Cli-Admin-Auth use [devise provider] 4.
Support for other authorizers will be added in future releases.
If you need one just now, you can easily add it, everything you need is to edit some files, generated by Ember-Cli-Admin-Auth.
For details please see [ember-cli-simple-auth] 3 docs.
[Licensed under MIT license] 1