The Emailage™ API is organized around REST (Representational State Transfer). The API was built to help companies integrate with our highly efficient fraud risk and scoring system. By calling our API endpoints and simply passing us an email and/or IP Address, companies will be provided with real-time risk scoring assessments based around machine learning and proprietary algorithms that evolve with new fraud trends.
- JVM 1.8 and above
- Maven 3+
- Maven is used to maintain all dependencies
Emailage can be installed directly from the source code:
$ git clone
Or you can use the Maven dependency:
Please refer to the below class for for full code example.
Before using the API, you will need to populate the configuration parameters:
ConfigurationParameters configuration = new ConfigurationParameters();
parameters.setUserEmail(/*Email associated with the emailage user making the request*/);
parameters.setAcccountToken(/*Emailage authentication token*/);
parameters.setAccountSecret(/*Emailage account secret*/);
parameters.setEnvironment(/*Environment for the Requetst Production/Sandbox*/);
parameters.setHashAlgorithm(/*Signature Hashing algorithm*/);
parameters.setResultFormat(/*Xml or JSON*/);
String validResult = EmailageClient.QueryEmail("[email protected]", configuration);
String validResult = EmailageClient.QueryEmailAndIP("[email protected]", "", configuration);
ExtraInputParameter extraArgs = new ExtraInputParameter();
String validResult = EmailageClient.QueryEmailAndIPPlusExtraArgs("[email protected]", "", extraArgs,
String validResult = EmailageClient.MarkEmailAsFraud("[email protected]", Enums.FraudFlag.Fraud, Enums.FraudType.Good,
- Using the wrong AccountSID/AUTHToken for different environments. Sandbox and Production have different AccountSID and AUTHToken.
- Using a wrong JVM version. JVM 1.8 and above is required for the client.