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Implement PIV key/cert import for Yubikey
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elonen committed Aug 27, 2024
1 parent e66403c commit aebcfa9
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 101 deletions.
272 changes: 171 additions & 101 deletions hsm_secrets/piv/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import click

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, BinaryIO, Optional, cast, get_args
from typing import Callable, Union, List, Tuple, BinaryIO, Optional, cast, get_args

from urllib.parse import urlparse

Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
import ykman
from yubikit.piv import PivSession, SLOT, PIN_POLICY, TOUCH_POLICY
from yubikit.core.smartcard import ApduError, SW
import yubikit.core
import yubikit.piv
from yubikit.hsmauth import HsmAuthSession # type: ignore [import]

from hsm_secrets.config import HSMConfig, HSMKeyID, HSMOpaqueObject, X509Cert, X509NameType
from hsm_secrets.piv.piv_cert_checks import PIVDomainControllerCertificateChecker, PIVUserCertificateChecker
Expand All @@ -41,102 +44,23 @@ class PivKeyType(enum.Enum):
ECP384 = "ecp384"

def _generate_piv_key_pair(key_type: PivKeyType) -> Tuple[Union[rsa.RSAPublicKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey], Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey]]:
private_key: Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey]
if key_type == PivKeyType.RSA2048:
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048)
elif key_type == PivKeyType.ECP256:
private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1())
elif key_type == PivKeyType.ECP384:
private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1())
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported key type: {key_type}")
public_key = private_key.public_key()
return public_key, private_key

def _save_pem_certificate(cert: x509.Certificate, output_file: BinaryIO) -> None:
pem_data = cert.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM)

def import_to_yubikey_piv(
cert: x509.Certificate,
private_key: Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey],
pin: Optional[str] = None,
management_key: Optional[bytes] = None
) -> None:
Import the certificate and private key into a Yubikey PIV slot.
:param cert: The X.509 certificate to import
:param private_key: The private key corresponding to the certificate
:param slot: The PIV slot to use (default: Authentication slot)
:param pin: The PIN for the Yubikey PIV application (if None, will prompt)
:param management_key: The management key for the Yubikey PIV application (if None, will prompt)
yubikey = ykman.scripting.single() # Connect to the first Yubikey found, prompt user to insert one if not found
sc = yubikey.smart_card()
piv = PivSession(sc)

if pin is None:
pin = click.prompt("Enter PIN", hide_input=True)
if pin is None:
raise click.ClickException("PIN is required")

if management_key is None:
mkey_str = click.prompt("Enter management key (hex)", hide_input=True)
if mkey_str is None:
raise click.ClickException("Management key is required")
management_key = bytes.fromhex(mkey_str)
mkm = piv.get_management_key_metadata()
piv.authenticate(mkm.key_type, management_key)

cli_info(f"Importing private key to slot {}.")
cli_warn("Setting touch_policy=CACHED. Touch is not in PIV standard, so if this doesn't work, maybe try touch_policy=NEVER.")
piv.put_key(slot, private_key, pin_policy=PIN_POLICY.MATCH_ONCE, touch_policy=TOUCH_POLICY.CACHED)

# Import certificate
piv.put_certificate(slot, cert, compress=True)

click.echo(f"OK. Certificate and private key imported to YubiKey slot '{}' (0x{slot.value:x}).")

except ApduError as e:
click.echo("Error: PIN is blocked")
click.echo("Error: Incorrect PIN or management key")
click.echo("Error: Security condition not satisfied. Ensure you have the correct permissions.")
click.echo("Error: Command not allowed. The YubiKey may be in a state that doesn't allow this operation.")
click.echo(f"Error: {str(e)}")
except Exception as e:
click.echo(f"Error: {str(e)}")

@click.option('--user', '-u', required=True, help="User identifier (username for Windows, email for macOS/Linux)")
@click.option('--template', '-t', required=False, help="Template label, default: first template")
@click.option('--subject', '-s', required=False, help="Cert subject (DN), default: from config")
@click.option('--validity', '-v', type=int, help="Validity period in days, default: from config")
@click.option('--key-type', '-k', type=click.Choice(['RSA2048', 'ECP256', 'ECP384']), help="Key type, default: same as CA")
@click.option('--key-type', '-k', type=click.Choice(['RSA2048', 'ECP256', 'ECP384']), default='ECP384', help="Key type, default: same as CA")
@click.option('--csr', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True), help="Path to existing CSR file")
@click.option('--ca', '-c', required=False, help="CA ID (hex) or label, default: from config")
@click.option('--out', '-o', required=False, type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True, allow_dash=False), help="Output filename stem, default: ./<user>-piv[.key/.cer]")
@click.option('--os-type', type=click.Choice(['windows', 'other']), default='windows', help="Target operating system")
@click.option('--san', multiple=True, help="AdditionalSANs, e.g., '', 'IP:', etc.")
def create_piv_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, user: str, template: str|None, subject: str, validity: int, key_type: Literal['RSA2048', 'ECP256', 'ECP384']|None, csr: str|None, ca: str, out: str, os_type: Literal["windows", "other"], san: List[str]):
def create_piv_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, user: str, template: str|None, subject: str, validity: int, key_type: Literal['RSA2048', 'ECP256', 'ECP384'], csr: str|None, ca: str, out: str, os_type: Literal["windows", "other"], san: List[str]):
"""Create or sign a PIV user certificate
If a CSR is provided, this command signs the CSR with a CA certificate.
Otherwise it generates a new key pair (key type required) and signs a certificate for it.
If a CSR is provided, sign it with a CA certificate.
Otherwise generate a new key pair and signs a certificate for it.
Example SAN types:
- RFC822:[email protected]
Expand All @@ -145,8 +69,7 @@ def create_piv_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, user: str, template: str|None, subject:
- OID:
# Set up default output filenames
if not out:
out = f"{user}-piv"
out = out or f"{_sanitize_username(user)}-piv"
key_file = Path(out).with_suffix('.key.pem')
csr_file = Path(out).with_suffix('.csr.pem')
cer_file = Path(out).with_suffix('.cer.pem')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,13 +111,9 @@ def create_piv_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, user: str, template: str|None, subject:
with open(csr, 'rb') as f:
csr_obj = x509.load_pem_x509_csr(
private_key = None
elif key_type:
key_type_enum = PivKeyType[key_type]
_, private_key = _generate_piv_key_pair(key_type_enum)
csr_obj = None
raise click.ClickException("Either --csr or --key-type must be provided")

_, private_key = _generate_piv_key_pair(PivKeyType[key_type])
csr_obj = None

# Add explicitly provided SANs
x509_info.subject_alt_name = x509_info.subject_alt_name or x509_info.SubjectAltName()
Expand All @@ -216,7 +135,9 @@ def create_piv_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, user: str, template: str|None, subject:
x509_info.subject_alt_name.names.setdefault('rfc822', []).append(user)

# Create X509CertBuilder
cert_builder = X509CertBuilder(ctx.conf, x509_info, private_key or csr_obj, dn_subject_override=subject)
key_or_csr = private_key or csr_obj
assert key_or_csr
cert_builder = X509CertBuilder(ctx.conf, x509_info, key_or_csr, dn_subject_override=subject)

# Sign the certificate with CA
ca_id = ca or ctx.conf.piv.default_ca_id
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,13 +247,12 @@ def sign_dc_cert(ctx: HsmSecretsCtx, csr: click.File, validity: int, ca: str, ou
@click.argument('cert', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True, allow_dash=False))
@click.argument('key', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True, allow_dash=False))
@click.option('--slot', '-s', type=click.Choice(['AUTHENTICATION', 'SIGNATURE', 'KEY_MANAGEMENT', 'CARD_AUTH']), default='AUTHENTICATION', help="PIV slot to import to")
@click.option('--pin', '-p', help="PIV PIN, default: prompt")
@click.option('--management-key', '-m', help="PIV management key (hex), default: prompt")
def import_to_yubikey_piv_cmd(cert, key, slot, pin, management_key):
def import_to_yubikey_piv_cmd(cert: click.Path, key: click.Path, slot: str, management_key: str|None):
"""Import a certificate and private key to a YubiKey PIV slot"""
# Load certificate and private key
cert_path = Path(cert)
key_path = Path(key)
cert_path = Path(str(cert))
key_path = Path(str(key))

with'rb') as f:
cert_data =
Expand All @@ -344,17 +264,167 @@ def import_to_yubikey_piv_cmd(cert, key, slot, pin, management_key):
if not isinstance(private_key, (rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey)):
raise click.ClickException("Unsupported private key type. Only RSA and EC keys are supported for YubiKey PIV.")

cli_info("PEM files loaded:")
cli_info(f"- certificate: {cert_path}")
cli_info(f"- private key: {key_path}")

# Convert slot string to SLOT enum
from yubikit.piv import SLOT
slot_enum = getattr(SLOT, slot)

# Import to YubiKey
management_key=bytes.fromhex(management_key) if management_key else None

cli_info(f"Certificate and private key imported to YubiKey PIV slot {slot}")

def _generate_piv_key_pair(key_type: PivKeyType) -> Tuple[Union[rsa.RSAPublicKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey], Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey]]:
private_key: Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey]
if key_type == PivKeyType.RSA2048:
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048)
elif key_type == PivKeyType.ECP256:
private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1())
elif key_type == PivKeyType.ECP384:
private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1())
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported key type: {key_type}")
public_key = private_key.public_key()
return public_key, private_key

def _save_pem_certificate(cert: x509.Certificate, output_file: BinaryIO) -> None:
pem_data = cert.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM)

def _sanitize_username(user: str) -> str:
user = re.sub(r'@.*', '', user) # Remove anything after '@'
user = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', user) # Replace special characters with underscores
return user or "user"

def _import_to_yubikey_piv(
cert: x509.Certificate,
private_key: Optional[Union[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey]],
management_key: Optional[bytes] = None
) -> None:
Import the certificate and private key into a Yubikey PIV slot.
:param cert: The X.509 certificate to import
:param private_key: The private key corresponding to the certificate
:param slot: The PIV slot to use (default: Authentication slot)
:param management_key: The management key for the Yubikey PIV application (if None, will prompt)
def _import_op(piv: PivSession, slot: SLOT):
# Check for biometric support
bio_supported = True
except yubikit.core.NotSupportedError:
bio_supported = False

# Import key if provided
if private_key:
cli_info(f"Importing private key to slot '{}' ({slot.value:02x})")
cli_info("- Setting touch requirement 'CACHED': needed if last touched over 15 seconds ago. Touch is a non-standard PIV extension.")
if bio_supported:
cli_info("- Biometric support detected. Enabling MATCH_ONCE for PIN policy.")
piv.put_key(slot, private_key, pin_policy=PIN_POLICY.MATCH_ONCE, touch_policy=TOUCH_POLICY.CACHED)
cli_info("- Setting PIN policy to 'ONCE': PIN is needed once per session.")
piv.put_key(slot, private_key, pin_policy=PIN_POLICY.ONCE, touch_policy=TOUCH_POLICY.CACHED)
md = piv.get_slot_metadata(slot)
if not md.public_key_encoded:
raise click.ClickException(f"Slot '{}' has not key pair, cannot import certificate without key")

# Import certificate
piv.put_certificate(slot, cert, compress=True)

_yubikey_piv_operation(slot, _import_op, management_key)

def _yubikey_piv_operation(slot: SLOT, op_func: Callable[[PivSession, SLOT], None], management_key: Optional[bytes] = None):
hsm_yubikey, piv_yubikey = _scan_for_hsm_and_piv_yubikeys()
piv_yubikey = piv_yubikey or hsm_yubikey
if not piv_yubikey:
raise click.ClickException("No YubiKey found storing PIV credentials")

if hsm_yubikey and piv_yubikey != hsm_yubikey:
cli_warn(f"Found YubiKey with HSM credentials: {hsm_yubikey} - skipping it for PIV operation.")
cli_info(f"Performing PIV operation on device: {str(piv_yubikey)}")
piv = PivSession(piv_yubikey.smart_card())

_yubikey_auth_with_piv_mgm_key(piv, management_key)
op_func(piv, slot)

except ApduError as e:
click.echo("Error: PIN is blocked")
click.echo("Error: Incorrect PIN or management key")
click.echo("Error: Security condition not satisfied. Ensure you have the correct permissions.")
click.echo("Error: Command not allowed. The YubiKey may be in a state that doesn't allow this operation.")
click.echo(f"Error: {str(e)}")
except Exception as e:
click.echo(f"Error: {str(e)}")

def _scan_for_hsm_and_piv_yubikeys() -> Tuple[Optional[ykman.scripting.ScriptingDevice], Optional[ykman.scripting.ScriptingDevice]]:
Scan for YubiKeys for a) HSM auth and b) PIV import.
If there are multiple YubiKeys, select the one without HSM support for PIV import.
If there's only one, return it for both HSM and PIV.
:return: Tuple of (device for HSM, device for PIV)
hsm_yubikey, piv_yubikey = None, None
for yk_dev, yk_info in ykman.device.list_all_devices():
yk = ykman.scripting.ScriptingDevice(yk_dev, yk_info)
sc = yk.smart_card()
if HsmAuthSession(connection=sc).list_credentials():
if hsm_yubikey:
raise click.ClickException("ERROR: Multiple YubiKeys found with HSM credentials. Heuristic is to pick the one without HSM credentials for PIV import, but this is ambiguous in this case.")
hsm_yubikey = yk
except yubikit.core.NotSupportedError:
if piv_yubikey:
raise click.ClickException("ERROR: Multiple YubiKeys found without HSM auth. Can't decide which one to use for PIV import.")
piv_yubikey = yk
if hsm_yubikey:
return hsm_yubikey, piv_yubikey

def _yubikey_auth_with_piv_mgm_key(piv: PivSession, management_key: Optional[bytes]) -> None:
Authenticate with PIV management key.
:param piv: The PIV session to authenticate
:param management_key: The management key for the YubiKey PIV application
mkm = piv.get_management_key_metadata()
if management_key is None:
if mkm.default_value:
cli_warn("WARNING! Using default management key. Change it immediately after import!")
management_key = yubikit.piv.DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_KEY
mkey_str = click.prompt("Enter PIV management key (hex)", hide_input=True)
if mkey_str is None:
raise click.ClickException("Management key is required")
management_key = bytes.fromhex(mkey_str)
piv.authenticate(mkm.key_type, management_key)

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