Bloom is a model for a musical object that can be transformed. It is a general tool that can be used in computer-aided composition, generative music, live coding, building interactive systems, and more. I developed it for my personal use, and it is the subject of my PhD disseration "Composing with Blooms."
To install:
- download the Bloom folder
- if you don't have SuperCollider, download it from and drag to your Applications folder and open.
- In SuperCollider: File Menu > Open User Support Directory
- In that directory, put the entire Bloom folder into the folder 'Extensions.' If you have no Extensions folder, create one (with a capital E).
To read the helpfile, type Bloom into a SuperCollider document and press Command-D.
The Keystroke Controller is the easiest way to work with Blooms. To use it, open from /Tools and run.
(To run a block of code in Supercollider, click inside a parenthesed area and press command-enter.)