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Logger: Context-Aware Logging for Better Insights

logger is an attempt to improve log visualization by embedding parent/child relationships within the logging context, making it easier to trace log flows. It is uses log/slog package under the hood.

Getting Started

1. Install the Logger Binary

To install the logger binary, run the following command:

go install

This binary includes both the UI and server components. You can start the logger server by simply running:


By default, the server runs on address localhost:2022. To change the port, specify it as an argument:

logger-server localhost:2021

You can then access the UI via your browser at:

2. Integrating Logger into Your Project

First, include the logger library in your project by running:

go get

Next, add the following code to the main function of your project to set up the logger:

package main

import (
    // other imports


func main() {
                "http://localhost:2022", // logger server address
                slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{
                    Level: slog.LevelDebug,

    // your application logic

3. Logging Usage

The logger provides four logging functions—Info, Debug, Warn, and Error—which work similarly to slog.InfoContext.


ctx := context.Background()

logger.Info(ctx, "first log message", "request_id", 1)

Each of these functions returns a new context, allowing you to pass it to subsequent logs, creating parent/child relationships between logs.

4. HTTP Middleware

This library also includes an HTTP middleware compatible with Go's http.Handler signature:

func(http.Handler) http.Handler

You can use this middleware to either retrieve the parent log ID from the incoming request headers or generate a new parent ID, ensuring all logs within an HTTP request are grouped together for better traceability.