This is the PyNash web site, now live at:
Add a file in the _posts
- If you haven't already, clone this repo.
- If you haven't already got it, install rvm and enable it in your shell. (I installed it in my home directory and it worked fine.)
- Create a "gemset" just for pynashorg. (This is like the part of a virtualenv sandbox that holds installed modules.)
- "Use" the new gemset.
- Install jekyll in the gemset.
- Run jekyll.
Here are the commands I used. If you’re on Windows, these commands won’t work for you.
git clone git://
\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
. ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm gemset create pynashorg
rvm use @pynashorg
gem install jekyll
jekyll --server --auto
Ctrl-C to kill it.
Now that everything’s set up, you just need two commands:
rvm use @pynashorg
jekyll --server --auto
If you need help, contact jason dot orendorff at gmail.