DjangoCon 2015 is built on top of Pinax Symposion but may have customizations that will may make things more difficult for you.
This documentation assume you have the following installed:
- `pip >= 1.2.1 <>`_ - `virtualenv >= 1.11 <>`_ - `virtualenvwrapper >= 3.6 <>`_
Create a new virtualenv and install the necessary requirements:
mkvirtualenv --distribute djangocon --python=python2.7 $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install -r $PWD/requirements/dev.txt
(For production, install -r requirements/base.txt).
Then create a local settings file and set your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
to use it:
cp djangocon/settings/ djangocon/settings/ echo "export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=djangocon.settings.local" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate
Exit the virtualenv and reactivate it to activate the settings just changed:
deactivate workon djangocon
Setup the postgres database and load fixtures:
createdb djangocon2015 python syncdb python migrate python loaddata fixtures/*
Create a user account:
python createsuperuser
Run local server:
python runserver
Deploying to Gondor is relatively straightforward. You will need to setup a Gondor configuration file, if you have not already done so:
vi ~/.gondor
Add the following content:
[auth] username = gondor-username key = gondor-user-key
Change the permissions on the file:
chmod 600 ~/.gondor
To deploy the develop branch to the staging instance:
gondor deploy develop develop
To deploy the master branch to the production instance:
gondor deploy primary master
python test djangocon