Lightweight and powerful translation system for PHP 8.0+, build as component not only for Nette framework
Note: Inspired by rostenkowski/translate, but I needed support for Nette Framework ^3.2|^4.0 and fallback translation possibility. I also refactored a bit the plurals to be naturally understandable.
composer require elcheco/translator
Translations are stored in *.neon files in this format:
# simple message
Hi!: Ahoj!
# supporting placeholder
Hi %s!: Ahoj %s!
# supporting also plurals in multiple forms
# in English it's easy to use
You have %s points.:
0: You have no points
1: You have %s point.
2: You have %s points.
# but for example in Czech plurals are a bit more complicated
You have %s points.:
0: Nemáte žádné body.
1: Máte %s bod.
"2-4": Máte %s body.
5: Máte %s bodů.
Put your translations to %appDir%/translations
directory as cs_CZ.neon
# register extension
translate: ElCheco\Translator\Extension
# configuration
default: en_US
fallback: cs_CZ
namespace App;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use ElCheco\Translator\Translator;
use ElCheco\Translator\NeonDictionary\NeonDictionaryFactory;
// both translations and cache are in the same directory
$translator = new Translator(new NeonDictionaryFactory(__DIR__, __DIR__));
- PHP 8.0+
- nette/di
- nette/neon
- nette/safe-stream
- nette/utils
- nette/tester