Semantic image segmentation of a collection of nerves called Brachial Plexus in ultrasound images
The following needs to be installed:
- Python 2.7, or >= 3.4
- numpy >= 1.11
- Tensorflow >= 0.9
- OpenCV >= 2.4
- tqdm >= 4.8
NOTE: tqdm can be installed using pip install tqdm
The dataset can be downloaded from Kaggle competetion "Ultrasound Nerve Segmation":
Download the train set and unzip the contents. Put the images (.tif files) in <root_project_dir>/data/train/
After downloading the dataset, run the preprocess routine by issuing the command:
After running the script, the following files will be generated:
data/train_xs96/ - Directory containing the filtered and resized images
data/train_set.npz - Train set in numpy readable format
data/validation_set.npz - Validation set in numpy readable format
data/train_stats.pkl - Pickle file that contains basic statistics about the train set
To train the model, execute the command:
Training takes approximately 17 minutes per epoch on Amazon AWS g2.2xlarge instance with GPU support. A pre-trained model, that was ran for 10 hours with 35 epochs, can be downloaded at:
Extract the files and place the 'model.ckpt-35' and 'model.ckpt-35.meta' files in output/checkpoints/
To run inference, place the target images (.tif files) in a directory. If the images have accompanying ground truth labels, the labels must have the same name as the target and end with <name>_mask.tif
Execute the command:
python -s <image_dir>
The generated output will be saved in <image_dir>_output
For more details on accepted arguments, see
A sample set of images can be found at sample_data/
directory. To see a smaple output, execute the command:
python -s sample_data/
The generated output can be found at sample_data_output/