Docker image for Phinx
docker run --rm -u "$UID" -v "$PWD:/app" eko3alpha/docker-phinx create NewMigration
You can also create an alias so you dont have to type that whole command! More information can be found here: Dockerize Commands
sudo pico ~/.bash_profile
sudo pico ~/.bash_aliases
Then add the following entry, in this case we're calling it "phpqa" you can change it to whatever you want. Make sure to wrap the alias in single quotes.
alias phinx='docker run --rm -u "$UID" -v "$PWD:/app" eko3alpha/docker-phinx'
After you add the entry refresh the profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Now you can use phinx without having to type the full docker command
phinx create NewMigration
For full documentation please head over to the Phinx Documentation