Vous êtes sur la page github du projet PHP: La bonne manière (en: The right way).
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PHP: La bonne manière contient des bannières que vous pouvez utiliser sur votre site web. Montrez votre soutien et faites découvrir aux nouveaux développeurs PHP où trouver les infos pour bien débuter!
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- Use American English spelling (primary English repo only)
- Use four (4) spaces to indent text; do not use tabs.
- Wrap all text to 120 characters.
- Code samples should adhere to PSR-1 or higher.
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If you are interested in translating PHP: The Right Way, fork this repo on GitHub and publish your localized fork to your own GitHub Pages account. We'll link to your translation from the primary document.
To avoid fragmentation and reader confusion, please choose one of these options:
- We link to your GitHub Pages fork with
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When your translation is ready, open an issue on the Issue Tracker to let us know.
There's been a lot of discussion lately about how the PHP community lacks sufficient, credible information for programmers new to PHP. This repository aims to solve this problem.
My name is Josh Lockhart. I'm the author of the Slim Framework, and I work for New Media Campaigns.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License