You can define separeted style for each type of words: english, non english, numbers and misc words.
For Example with this library you can define ubuntu font for english words, chewy font for numbers, y font for non english words, also you can define all of text styles, for exmaple you can define blue color to english words, 20 sp size to numbers and ...
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
implementation 'com.github.ehsannarmani:IsolatedText:latest_version'
text = "...",
fonts = listOf(
WordType.English to ubuntuFont,
WordType.NonEnglish to vazirFont,
WordType.Number to chewyFont,
WordType.Misc to knickFont
text = text,
WordType.English to WordStyle(
fontFamily = ubuntuFont,
fontSize = 16.sp,
WordType.NonEnglish to WordStyle(
fontFamily = vazirFont,
fontSize = 20.sp,
shadow = Shadow(
color = Color(0xff313131),
Offset(4f, 4f),
blurRadius = 7f
color = Color(0xFF212121),
baselineShift = BaselineShift(0.1f),
WordType.Number to WordStyle(
fontFamily = knickFont,
fontSize = 18.sp,
color = Color(0xFF0960CA),
letterSpacing = 6.sp,
textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline,
background = Color(0xA8FFEB2F)
WordType.Misc to WordStyle(
fontFamily = blomFont,
fontSize = 20.sp,
color = Color.Red,
miscWords = defaultMiscWords - ",",
textAlign = TextAlign.Justify
miscWords = listOf("<",">")