Weapp(微信小程序) official API wrapper, purpose to expose fashionable, friendly and fluent programming API.
Promisified async API
Shortcuts for
Isolated Promise polyfill (by core-js)
Enhancements official APIs
Optional grouped APIs:
RESTful http client
# via Github
npm i xixilive/weapp-next --save-dev
# via npm
npm i weapp-next --save-dev
use UMD module system, you can load it in Commonjs or AMD format.
import weapp, {Promise} from 'weapp-next'
// get wrapped wx Object
const {request, requireAuth, Http} = weapp(wx)
// use request API
request({url: 'https://test.com', method: 'GET'}).then(response => console.log)
// use shortcuts of request API, such as get, post, put, etc.
request.get('https://test.com').then(response => console.log)
// you can use an all-in-one method
weapp.requireAuth().then(([code, userInfo]) => console.log)
// use Http client
const http = Http('https://server.com/api')
http.get('/path').then(response => console.log)
// use Promise
Wraps almost all of official APIs, see Wrapped methods
Creates http request shortcuts according to wechat applet declared verbs(RFC 2616). specially, the PATCH
verb maybe useful for strict RESTful-ist, and so it has defined also.
It resolve a response which take a statusCode in range of [200, 300), and reject a response which out of the range.
The resolved response and rejected reason/error is the response object from the native wx.request
import weapp from 'weapp-next'
const {request} = weapp(wx)
request({url, method: 'GET'})
.then(response => {
// response is the response object from wx.request
.catch(error => {
// error is the response object from wx.request
request.get(url:String [, init:Function])
request.post(url:String, body:String/Object, [, init:Function])
request.put(url:String, body:String/Object, [, init:Function])
request.patch(url:String, body:String/Object, [, init:Function])
request.delete(url:String [, init:Function])
request.head(url:String [, init:Function])
request.options(url:String [, init:Function])
request.trace(url:String [, init:Function])
request.connect(url:String [, init:Function])
Optional init
argument is a zero-arugments function to interpolate request parameters, and it expects to return an Object value by contract. you can override any request params by the returned object except the url
and method
// logic of init function
const config = {...}
return {...config, ...init(), url, method}
login and getUserInfo in parallel
import weapp from 'weapp-next'
const {request, requireAuth} = weapp(wx)
requireAuth().then(([code, data]) => {
return request.post('https://api.server.com/session', {code, data})
// on server side:
// 1. to exchange session_key via code,
// 2. decrypt and store userInfo, and create your app scope session etc.
Here is a Express middleware for weapp login scenario which purpose to make it easy to integrate weapp login and getUserInfo logic. express-weapp-auth
In order to get grouped APIs, you just to pass truthy value for the second argument.
const weapp = require('weapp-next')(wx, true)
// equal to
const weapp = require('weapp-next').group(wx)
and you will get groups of APIs as following:
to visit es6/weapp/definitions.js for more details about API groups
import weapp from 'weapp-next'
const http = weapp(wx).Http('https://api.server.com/')
http.get('/status', {version: '1'}) // /status?version=1
http.post('/status', {data: {}})
modulize wechat applet development (chinese)