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Emir Dizdarevic edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 1 revision

Redis Data

Redis Data is a Transaction Manager and Object Mapper for redis implemented in Java 6. It simplifies the usage of redis in java and abstracts the way data is mapped. All data deserialization/marshalling are lazy which means they will only happen when the data is accessed.


  • Automated data mapping between redis keys/values and java entities
  • Configurable data mappers
  • Configurable clients (Currently only jedis supported)
  • Configurable AOP/Interception frameworks (Currently supported: AspectJ, Spring AOP)
  • Transaction and Pipeline execution without usage of callbacks
  • Transparent usage regardless of the type of session (plain, transaction, pipelining. transaction and pipelining combined)
  • Data type enforcing
  • All exceptions are Unchecked even the Checked ones
  • Support for nested transactions (EXPERIMENTAL - Minimum redis connection pool size must be at least the size of the debth of nested transactions or it will end up in a dead lock. Semaphore has to be implemented to solve this problem.)

Minimum requirements

  • Java >= 1.6
  • Spring (dynamic proxy approach) >= 2.5
  • aspectj-maven-plugin (compile time weaving approach) >= 1.4
  • jedis => 2.3.0


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