Ensure that the connector can do cURL requests to the desired edu-sharing repository REST API as well as SOAP calls. Enable module rewrite in the Apache webserver.
- Rename
- In
set values for- WWWURL URL ot the connector, e.g.
- DOCROOT path on your server, e.g.
- DATA path of the data directory, e.g.
- WWWURL URL ot the connector, e.g.
- Create DATA directory and set write permission for the web user
- Install subdirectories to DATA and generate SSL keys by executing
php eduConnector/install/install.php
- Install dependencies with composer
- Register connector in your edu-sharing repository using URL
The TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor runs out of the box. What a luck!
To use the H5P editor you need to install and configure a database. At this time only MySQL/MariaDB is supported.
- Create database and database user and grant all priviliges to him.
- Set values for
- DBHOST database host, e.g.
- DBUSER database user
- DBPASSWORD the users password
- DBNAME name of the database
- DBHOST database host, e.g.
- Create database tables by executing
php eduConnector/install/createDb.php
To enable the h5p editing, please add the following into your edu-sharing.conf
in the repository (Admin Tools / Global system configuration):
id:"H5P", icon:"edit", showNew: true, onlyDesktop: true, hasViewMode: false,
{mimetype: "application/zip",filetype: "h5p", ccressourcetype: "h5p", createable: true,editable: true}
- Setup the OnlyOffice Document Server (see https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/de/server/document.aspx)
- Set values for
- ONLYOFFICE_DOCUMENT_SERVER URL of the document server
- ONLYOFFICE_PLUGIN_URL optional, if you want to use custom plugins
- Setup the ONYX editor
- Set values for
- ONYXURL URL to the ONYX editor
- ONYXPUB SSL public key of the ONYX editor
- REPOSITORY internal id of the repository generated by ONYX editor
- Setup etherpad or etherpad lite
- Set values for
- ETHERPAD_SERVER URL to etherpad (maybe with port) without scheme, e.g.
- ETHERPAD_PROTOCOL scheme of the etherpad, e.g.
- ETHERPAD_APIKEY API key generated by etherpad
- ETHERPAD_SERVER URL to etherpad (maybe with port) without scheme, e.g.
See https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lbkVAzqRh72zoqR0S_Gffvs6CCwl4Kot
The error logs can be found in the log
folder in the DATA directory.
If you'll get 404 errors check for active mod_rewrite
in Apache. You can activate it in the default vhost (000-default
) like this:
<Directory /var/www/html>
Options indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
New pads will be created but the reference is not saved to repository at this time. See Etherpad.php
for details.
As all required metadata is handled in edu-sharing itself, it will be ignored in editor. uploading of content is disabled as it should be done in edu-sharing workspace.
Individual connectors are located at lib/tools
There the functionality to redirect editing requests from edu-sharing to the individual tools api should be implemented.
Each editing request from edu-sharing will include at least:
- A connector id (i.e. which tool should be used)
- A node id (the object where the data should be fetched and stored to)
- The content can be retrieved and stored via api endpoints at edu-sharing
- A mimetype (the sub type of the connectors type, i.e. in case of office files to switch between doc or spreadsheet)
- Information about the current user (to handle multi-user sessions or locking on tool side)
- Some additional attributes, check
in the edu-sharing repository for further information
The API's/Interfaces of a tool you want to interconnect should at least offer:
- Options to provide and fetch the content data of your object
- Providing a file format it can store and read again based on a binary - so the data get's pushed back to edu-sharing and stored after the user finished editing
- Having a back channel which provides the data after all users have finished editing
- Handling multi-users in one sessions
- Either by allowing multiple users to work collaborative OR
- Locking the object while it is edited by an other user
(edu-sharing also provides a rudimentary locking mechanism, but it must be also implemented in the
in this case)
- Providing a webapp/webeditor which can be included either via frame, web component or be accessed by url-navigation (i.e. with special parameters)
- Certain connectors (like tinyMCE or h5p) may also contain their runtime in this connector app itself.
Run the following command to perform a check with PHP Code Sniffer with Security Audit:
# Show warnings and errors
docker run --rm -it --init -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" tophfr/phpcs-security-audit -p .
# Show only errors
docker run --rm -it --init -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" tophfr/phpcs-security-audit -p -n .