This repo contains code for a Node.js multi-tier application.
The application overview is as follows
web <=> api <=> db
The folders web
and api
respectively describe how to install and run each app.
This repo is a fully functional dockerized 3 tier nodejs app. With minor changes, nodejs can be replace with any other language.
The architecture is built on AWS. It is fully automated and scalable. CI/CD is also fully automated. It uses a Blue/Green strategy for deployments.
Some services that it uses are Cloudfront, ALB, ECS Fargate, RDS Postgres, Cloudwatch, S3, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodeCommit and Code Pipeline.
Just run:
docker-compose up --build
Clone repo
Deploy VPC
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name app-vpc --template-body "file://aws/01-vpc.yaml" --parameters ParameterKey=Env,ParameterValue=prod
- Deploy Infra (lb, ecr, db, etc...)
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name app-infra --template-body "file://aws/02-infra.yaml" --parameters ParameterKey=NetworkStackName,ParameterValue=app-vpc ParameterKey=DBMasterUser,ParameterValue=appmasteruser ParameterKey=DBMasterPass,ParameterValue=password ParameterKey=DBName,ParameterValue=appdb
NOTE: After this step, we'll need to push the docker images to the ECR repo.
- Deploy App Service
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name app --template-body "file://aws/03-service.yaml" --parameters ParameterKey=NetworkStackName,ParameterValue=vpc ParameterKey=ClusterStackName,ParameterValue=infra ParameterKey=DBMasterUser,ParameterValue=appmasteruser ParameterKey=DBMasterPass,ParameterValue=password ParameterKey=DBName,ParameterValue=appdb --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
NOTE: After this step, we'll need to modify the buildspecs.yaml of each app and the change the service name.
- Deploy Code Pipeline
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name poc-ci-cd-code-deploy-app --template-body "file://aws/04-code-deploy-app.yaml" --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=ClusterStackName,ParameterValue=poc-ci-cd-infra ParameterKey=ServiceStackName,ParameterValue=poc-ci-cd-apps