Click the image below to check out the video!
References from the video:
- Baldridge, E., Harris, D. J., Xiao, X., & White, E. P. (2016). An extensive comparison of species-abundance distribution models. PeerJ, 4, e2823.
- Read with a grain of salt and see the ethical issues with author conflicts of interest: Bodmer, W., Bailey, R. A., Charlesworth, B., Eyre-Walker, A., Farewell, V., Mead, A., & Senn, S. (2021). The outstanding scientist, R.A. Fisher: His views on eugenics and race. Heredity, 126(4), 565–576.
- Chao, A., Gotelli, N. J., Hsieh, T. C., Sander, E. L., Ma, K. H., Colwell, R. K., & Ellison, A. M. (2014). Rarefaction and extrapolation with Hill numbers: A framework for sampling and estimation in species diversity studies. Ecological Monographs, 84(1), 23.
- How Eugenics Shaped Statistics. (2020, October 27). Nautilus Science Connected.
- Jost, L. (2006). Entropy and diversity. Oikos, 113(2), 363–375.
- Magurran, A. E., & McGill, B. J. (2011). Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment. Oxford University Press.
- McGill, B. J., Etienne, R. S., Gray, J. S., Alonso, D., Anderson, M. J., Benecha, H. K., Dornelas, M., Enquist, B. J., Green, J. L., He, F., Hurlbert, A. H., Magurran, A. E., Marquet, P. A., Maurer, B.A., Ostling, A., Soykan, C. U., Ugland, K. I., & White, E. P. (2007). Species abundance distributions: Moving beyond single prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework. Ecology Letters, 10(10), 995–1015.
- White, E. P., Enquist, B. J., & Green, J. L. (2008). On Estimating the Exponent of Power-Law Frequency Distributions. Ecology, 89(4), 905–912.
- How does sample size or bias or method influence SAD calculations?
- Can SADs be caculated for taxonomic subsets?
- Can SADs be combined with other data types like age or size structure?
- Histograms seem bad, is there a "best practice" approach?
- How can probability mass and cumulative probability mass functions be calculated theoretically?
- The foundational role of eugenics in statistics is real bad, has anything been done about it? What can be done about it?
- Here is a link to the recording from class ( login credentials required)
- Renata's script from class is also now in this repo (direct link here)
- Here are two useful resources for familiarizing yourself (or re-familiarizing yourself) with R:
- A written tutorial from Software Carpentries (these folks are great)
- A video tutorial from some random dude (Andy skimmed the video to see what topics it covered---it covers all you need---but did not do a deep dive to asses instructional quality)
Renata Diaz's work on this project was supported by NSF award DBI-2208901.