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References from the video:
- The citation for the Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity (UNTB): Hubbell, S. P. (2011). The unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography. Princeton University Press.. Don't buy the book!
- A good review of UNTB: Rosindell et al. (2011)
- Article in the Bangor Daily News about the historical theft of Marsh Island from the Penobscot Nation (article might be behind a paywall, if you have UMaine log-in credentials you can access the text here)
- Local Contexts Hub Notices and Labels
- Original derivation of the logseries distribution from a birth-death-speciation process (i.e. the process that produced the metacommunity): Kendall (1948)
- Re-derivation of the logseries in the conext of UNTB: Alonso and McKane (2004)
- What if local community and metacommunity are different? e.g., local purturbation to local community
- Points that refute with UNTB?
- r vs K selected species?
- clear differences in dispersal ability?
- climate change?
- What about initial conditions?
- Is the mono-culture initial condition realistic?
- What about if the local community starts with higher diversity than would be supported by immigration/speciation?
- What is the timescale/spatial scale of UNTB? Does predictive power vary across scales? Do predictions vary?
- How do we extend this model past neutrality?
- Could we use this approach for other observables? e.g.:
- phenotypes?
- single population dynamics?
- population genetics?