Package zbx is a Zabbix Agent implementation in golang that allows your application to act as a zabbix agent and respond to simple requests.
It is compatible with Zabbix version 4 and newer, however it does not support compression and only supports certificate based authentication.
This sets up a basic agent with no encryption.
// This function is called for each incoming request from the Zabbix server
getItem := func(itemKey string) (interface{}, error) {
if itemKey == "" {
return "1", nil
} else if itemKey == "runtime.version" {
return runtime.Version, nil
// Returning nil, nil means the itemKey was unknown
return nil, nil
// This will block
zbx.Start(getItem, "")
This sets up a certificate-based TLS agent. This package doesn't support PSK-based TLS, as crypto/tls does not support this feature, yet.
// This function is called for each incoming request from the Zabbix server
getItem := func(itemKey string) (interface{}, error) {
if itemKey == "" {
return "1", nil
} else if itemKey == "runtime.version" {
return runtime.Version, nil
// Returning nil, nil means the itemKey was unknown
return nil, nil
// Load the certificate and key that the zabbix agent will use for incoming connections
// from the Zabbix server
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("zabbix.crt", "zabbix.key")
if err != nil {
// This will block
zbx.StartTLS(getItem, "", cert)