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mmews committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent 396cd26 commit 335a216
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@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 NumberFour AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* NumberFour AG - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils;

import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.anyTypeRef;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.isAnyDynamic;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.isBoolean;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.isNumeric;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.isString;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.nullTypeRef;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.objectTypeRef;
import static org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.utils.RuleEnvironmentExtensions.undefinedTypeRef;
import static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions.flatten;
import static;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.n4js.ts.typeRefs.ComposedTypeRef;
import org.eclipse.n4js.ts.typeRefs.TypeRef;
import org.eclipse.n4js.ts.typeRefs.TypeRefsFactory;
import org.eclipse.n4js.ts.typeRefs.UnionTypeExpression;
import org.eclipse.n4js.ts.typeRefs.UnknownTypeRef;
import org.eclipse.n4js.types.utils.TypeCompareHelper;
import org.eclipse.n4js.types.utils.TypeUtils;
import org.eclipse.n4js.typesystem.N4JSTypeSystem;


* Type System Helper Strategy for creating simplified composed types, i.e. union and intersection types.
class SimplifyComputer extends TypeSystemHelperStrategy {

private static final UnknownTypeRef UNKNOWN_TYPE_REF = TypeRefsFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownTypeRef();

private N4JSTypeSystem ts;
private TypeCompareHelper typeCompareHelper;

* Creates a simplified union type containing the given types; since it is simplified, the result is not necessarily
* a union type. The result may be contained in another container, so clients may have to use
* Ecore2.cloneIfNecessary(EObject).
TypeRef createUnionType(RuleEnvironment G, TypeRef... elements) {
return simplify(G, TypeUtils.createNonSimplifiedUnionType(elements), true);

* Creates a simplified intersection type containing the given types; since it is simplified, the result is not
* necessarily an intersection type. The result may be contained in another container, so clients may have to use
* Ecore2.cloneIfNecessary(EObject).
TypeRef createIntersectionType(RuleEnvironment G, TypeRef... elements) {
return simplify(G, TypeUtils.createNonSimplifiedIntersectionType(elements), true);

* Returns a simplified copy of a given composed type, i.e. union or intersection type. The returned type may be one
* of the elements, without cloning it. So clients need to clone the result if necessary.
* @apiNote [N4JS Spec], 4.13 Intersection Type
<T extends ComposedTypeRef> TypeRef simplify(RuleEnvironment G, T composedType, boolean checkSubtypes) {
List<TypeRef> typeRefs = getSimplifiedTypeRefs(G, composedType, checkSubtypes);
switch (typeRefs.size()) {
case 0:
return undefinedTypeRef(G);
case 1:
return typeRefs.get(0);
default: {
EClass eClass = composedType.eClass();
ComposedTypeRef simplified = (ComposedTypeRef) EcoreUtil.create(eClass);
simplified.getTypeRefs().addAll(typeRefs); // note: typeRefs were already copied (if contained)
return simplified;

private <T extends ComposedTypeRef> List<TypeRef> getSimplifiedTypeRefs(RuleEnvironment G, T composedType,
boolean checkSubtypes) {
if (composedType == null) {
return null;
Iterable<TypeRef> typeRefsFlattened = flattenComposedTypes(composedType.eClass(), composedType);
List<TypeRef> typeRefsTrimmed = removeDuplicateAndTrivialTypes(G, typeRefsFlattened, composedType);
if (!checkSubtypes) {
return typeRefsTrimmed;
List<TypeRef> typeRefsSimplified = simplifyBasedOnSubtypeRelations(G, typeRefsTrimmed, composedType);
return typeRefsSimplified;

private Iterable<TypeRef> flattenComposedTypes(EClass eClass, TypeRef typeRef) {
if (eClass.isInstance(typeRef)) {
EList<TypeRef> typeRefs = ((ComposedTypeRef) typeRef).getTypeRefs();
return flatten(map(typeRefs, it -> flattenComposedTypes(eClass, it)));
} else {
return Collections.singleton(typeRef);

private List<TypeRef> removeDuplicateAndTrivialTypes(RuleEnvironment G, Iterable<TypeRef> typeRefs,
ComposedTypeRef composedType) {
// simplify cases related to the trivial types: any, Object, null, undefined
TypeRef anyTypeRef = anyTypeRef(G);
TypeRef objectTypeRef = objectTypeRef(G);
TypeRef nullTypeRef = nullTypeRef(G);
TypeRef undefinedTypeRef = undefinedTypeRef(G);
var haveAny = false;
var haveObject = false;
var haveNull = false;
var haveUndefined = false;
var haveUnknown = false;

var haveNumeric = false;
var haveBoolean = false;
var haveString = false;

// remove duplicates but keep original order
ArrayList<TypeRef> noDups = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<TypeRef> noDupsWithoutObject = new ArrayList<>();
Set<TypeRef> set = new TreeSet<>(typeCompareHelper.getTypeRefComparator());
for (TypeRef typeRef : typeRefs) {
if (!set.contains(typeRef)) {
boolean isAny = typeCompareHelper.isEqual(anyTypeRef, typeRef);
boolean isObject = typeCompareHelper.isEqual(objectTypeRef, typeRef);
boolean isNull = typeCompareHelper.isEqual(nullTypeRef, typeRef);
boolean isUndefined = typeCompareHelper.isEqual(undefinedTypeRef, typeRef);
boolean isUnknown = typeCompareHelper.isEqual(UNKNOWN_TYPE_REF, typeRef);

boolean isNumeric = isNumeric(G, typeRef);
boolean isBoolean = isBoolean(G, typeRef);
boolean isString = isString(G, typeRef);

if (isAny || isNull || isUndefined
|| (haveNumeric && isNumeric)
|| (haveBoolean && isBoolean)
|| (haveString && isString)) {
// skip
} else {
if (!isObject) {

haveAny = haveAny || isAny;
haveObject = haveObject || isObject;
haveNull = haveNull || isNull;
haveUndefined = haveUndefined || isUndefined;
haveUnknown = haveUnknown || isUnknown;
haveNumeric = haveNumeric || isNumeric;
haveBoolean = haveBoolean || isBoolean;
haveString = haveString || isString;
boolean haveOthers = !noDupsWithoutObject.isEmpty();

if (composedType instanceof UnionTypeExpression) {
// in a union, subtypes of other elements can be thrown away
// if (haveUnknown) {
// return Collections.singletonList(UNKNOWN_TYPE_REF);
// } else
if (haveAny) {
return Collections.singletonList(anyTypeRef);
} else if (haveOthers) {
// proceed with others below ...
} else if (haveObject) {
return Collections.singletonList(objectTypeRef);
} else if (haveNull) {
return Collections.singletonList(nullTypeRef);
} else if (haveUndefined) {
return Collections.singletonList(undefinedTypeRef);
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
// in an intersection, super types of other elements can be thrown away
if (haveUndefined) {
return Collections.singletonList(undefinedTypeRef);
} else if (haveOthers) {
// proceed with others below ...
} else if (haveNull) {
return Collections.singletonList(nullTypeRef);
} else if (haveObject) {
return Collections.singletonList(objectTypeRef);
} else if (haveAny) {
return Collections.singletonList(anyTypeRef);
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();

List<TypeRef> typeRefsCleaned = new ArrayList<>(noDups.size() + 2);
for (TypeRef e : noDups) {
TypeRef cpy = TypeUtils.copyIfContained(e);
// NOTE: no need to add 'any' or 'null'/'undefined' here, because, if they were present,
// they have either rendered all other typeRefs obsolete (and we returned early above) OR
// they were rendered obsolete by the other typeRefs. The relation between 'null' and
// 'undefined' when not also having other type references was already handled above.

return typeRefsCleaned;

* Simplifies the given typeRefs based on general subtype relations between them. For example, if class B inherits
* from class A, then union{A,B} can be simplified to A and intersection{A,B} can be simplified to B. However, for
* performance reasons, this is *ONLY DONE* if
* <ul>
* <li>there are only 2 typeRefs, and
* <li>there's no structural typing involved.
* </ul>
private List<TypeRef> simplifyBasedOnSubtypeRelations(RuleEnvironment G, List<TypeRef> typeRefs,
ComposedTypeRef composedType) {
if (typeRefs.size() == 2) {
TypeRef fst = typeRefs.get(0);
TypeRef snd = typeRefs.get(1);

boolean isFstStructural = fst.isUseSiteStructuralTyping() || fst.isDefSiteStructuralTyping();
boolean isSndStructural = snd.isUseSiteStructuralTyping() || snd.isDefSiteStructuralTyping();
boolean doSimplify = !isFstStructural && !isSndStructural;

if (doSimplify) {
if (isAnyDynamic(G, fst)) {
if (composedType instanceof UnionTypeExpression) {
return Collections.singletonList(fst); // chose any+
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(snd); // chose more concrete type
if (isAnyDynamic(G, snd)) {
if (composedType instanceof UnionTypeExpression) {
return Collections.singletonList(snd); // chose any+
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(fst); // chose more concrete type

boolean fstIsSubtype = ts.subtypeSucceeded(G, fst, snd);
boolean sndIsSubtype = ts.subtypeSucceeded(G, snd, fst);
if (fstIsSubtype && sndIsSubtype) {
// int/number, and others?
return Collections.singletonList(fst);
if (fstIsSubtype) {
if (composedType instanceof UnionTypeExpression) {
return Collections.singletonList(snd); // subtype can be thrown away
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(fst); // super type can be thrown away
if (sndIsSubtype) {
if (composedType instanceof UnionTypeExpression) {
return Collections.singletonList(fst); // subtype can be thrown away
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(snd); // super type can be thrown away
return typeRefs;

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