[enhancement ] Improve messaging system startup #157
[enhancement ] Increase swtbot test timeout #158
[enhancement ] Improve Sirius wizard for Gemoc #156
[enhancement ] Add concurrent engine to studio #148
[enhancement ] Improve Variable and Debug views #143
[enhancement ] Add command line Eclipse application to run GEMOC languages and headless product #138
[enhancement ] Integrate ALE interpreted engine in GEMOC Studio build #126
[enhancement ][refactoring ] Move dsl default location to project root #124
[enhancement ] Add pre-release version of ecoretools epackage registration #118
[enhancement ] Add new K3FSM official example #81
[enhancement ] Improve documentation #74
[enhancement ] Add syntax highlighting to DSL files #78
[enhancement ] Add dockerfile and instructions for building documentation via docker #76
[enhancement ][refactoring ][releng ] Improve web documentation #72
Bug Fixes:
[bug ] Add a base test for modeldebugging bug #66 #106
[bug ] Fix error level in activator logger #141
[bug ] Fixes K3FSM example #89
[bug ] Change start option for java9 and gtk3 support #69
[documentation ][refactoring ] Rename LegacyFSM example to MelangeK3FSM #136
Version upgrades
[bump ] Bump ALE version to 2019-06-24 #166
[bump ] Bump to Eclipse Photon #117
[bump ] Bump to latest k3/melange version #102
[bump ] Bump components and studio versions #101
[bump ] Update Melange to version 2018-06-04 #80
Release Engineering
[releng ] Added GEMOC model icon using official colors to artwork folder #149
[releng ] Add gexpressions to studio/updatesite and restructure update site #165
[releng ] Use url for discovery that is unique for gemoc 3.1.x #162
[releng ] Update icons to official branding colors #160
[releng ] Remove the jenkinsfile from the component repositories #154
[documentation ][releng ] Re-enable plantuml figures in documentation #153
[releng ] Remove 32 bit versions of the studio #145
[releng ] Fix docker file for pomless builds #134
[releng ] Correct css for nightly build download index page #129
[releng ] Fix xtend compilation issue 1373 #132
[releng ] New system test suite based on official example K3FSM (language and modeling) #104
[releng ] Show summary of checked out branches in multibranch pipeline #92
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