⚠️ This sample is just a use case. For detail to copy VM from VHD, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/create-vm-specialized#option-3-copy-an-existing-azure-vm.
First, you should login to the Azure account that has the base VHD and get the URI with SAS token.
# Login to Azure account that has the base VHD
az login
BASE_VHD_STORAGE_NAME="<Storage account name that has the VHD>"
BASE_VHD_STORAGE_CONTAINER="<Container name of the VHD>"
BASE_VHD_STORAGE_BLOB="<Blob name of the VHD>"
# Show an URI with SAS token of the base VHD blob
BASE_VHD_STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list \
--account-name ${BASE_VHD_STORAGE_NAME} \
--query "[0].value" \
--output tsv)
EXPIRY=`date -u -d "6 hours" '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ'`
az storage blob generate-sas \
--container-name ${BASE_VHD_STORAGE_CONTAINER} \
--account-name ${BASE_VHD_STORAGE_NAME} \
--account-key ${BASE_VHD_STORAGE_KEY} \
--expiry ${EXPIRY} \
--permissions r \
--https-only \
--full-uri \
--output tsv
# Copy the URI with SAS token above
Then, log in to target account and copy vhd file to the target subscription.
az login
BASE_VHD_URI_WITH_SAS="<Paste the copied blob URI>"
VM_BASE_RESOURCE_GROUP="<Resource group name>"
VM_BASE_STORAGE_BLOB="<Blob name of the VHD>"
DEPLOYMENT_RESULT=$(az deployment create \
--name deploymentToPrepareVMBase \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dzeyelid/deploy-vms-on-each-subscriptions-from-vhd/master/01_prepare-vm-base.json \
--parameters \
resourceGroupName=${VM_BASE_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
VM_BASE_STORAGE_ID=$(echo ${DEPLOYMENT_RESULT} | jq -r ".properties.outputs.storageAccountId.value")
VM_BASE_STORAGE_NAME=$(echo ${DEPLOYMENT_RESULT} | jq -r ".properties.outputs.storageAccountName.value")
VM_BASE_STORAGE_CONTAINER=$(echo ${DEPLOYMENT_RESULT} | jq -r ".properties.outputs.storageContainerName.value")
VM_BASE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(echo ${DEPLOYMENT_RESULT} | jq -r ".properties.outputs.storageAccountKey.value")
az storage blob copy start \
--account-name ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_NAME} \
--account-key ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY} \
--destination-container ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_CONTAINER} \
--destination-blob ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_BLOB} \
--source-uri ${BASE_VHD_URI_WITH_SAS}
After the copying has finished, create VMs from the VHD.
VM_VHD_URI=$(az storage blob url \
--account-name ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_NAME} \
--container-name ${VM_BASE_STORAGE_CONTAINER} \
--output tsv)
NUMBER_OF_VMS="<Number of Vms>"
az deployment create \
--name deploymentVMs \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dzeyelid/deploy-vms-on-each-subscriptions-from-vhd/master/02_create-vms.json \
--parameters \
prefix=${PREFIX} \
location=${LOCATION} \
numberOfVms=${NUMBER_OF_VMS} \
vmVhdUri=${VM_VHD_URI} \