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Example scripts for ROM with SLEPc modes
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jcallaham committed Mar 23, 2024
1 parent c66366d commit cbb4807
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157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions examples/cylinder/model_reduction/
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import firedrake as fd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ufl

import hydrogym.firedrake as hgym

output_dir = "../eig_output"
output_dir = "../re40_med_eig_output"
# output_dir = "../re40_fine_eig_output"

# 1. Base flow
flow = hgym.RotaryCylinder(

qB = flow.q.copy(deepcopy=True)

# 2. Derive flow field associated with actuation BC
# See Barbagallo et al. (2009) for details on the "lifting" procedure
F = flow.residual(fd.split(qB)) # Nonlinear variational form
J = fd.derivative(F, qB) # Jacobian with automatic differentiation

bcs = flow.collect_bcs()

# Solve steady, inhomogeneous problem
qC = fd.Function(flow.mixed_space, name="qC")
v, s = fd.TestFunctions(flow.mixed_space)
zero = ufl.inner(fd.Constant((0.0, 0.0)), v) * ufl.dx
fd.solve(J == zero, qC, bcs=bcs)

# 3. Global stability modes
evals = np.load(f"{output_dir}/evals.npy")

# Load the set of eigenvectors
r = len(evals)
tol = 1e-10
V = []
all_evals = []
with fd.CheckpointFile(f"{output_dir}/evecs.h5", "r") as chk:
for (i, w) in enumerate(evals[:r]):
q = chk.load_function(flow.mesh, f"evec_{i}")

# Double for complex conjugates
if abs(w.imag) < tol:
evals[i] = w.real

q_conj = fd.Function(flow.mixed_space)
for (u1, u2) in zip(q_conj.subfunctions, q.subfunctions):


W = []
with fd.CheckpointFile(f"{output_dir}/adj_evecs.h5", "r") as chk:
for (i, w) in enumerate(evals[:r]):
q = chk.load_function(flow.mesh, f"evec_{i}")

# Double for complex conjugates
if abs(w.imag) < tol:
evals[i] = w.real

q_conj = fd.Function(flow.mixed_space)
for (u1, u2) in zip(q_conj.subfunctions, q.subfunctions):


all_evals = np.array(all_evals)

# The basis is already bi-orthogonal, so we just need to normalize it
def inner_product(q1, q2):
u1, u2 = q1.subfunctions[0], q2.subfunctions[0]
return fd.assemble(ufl.inner(u1, u2)*ufl.dx)

for i in range(len(V)):
# First normalize the direct eigenvector
alpha = np.sqrt(inner_product(V[i], V[i]))
V[i].assign(V[i] / alpha)

# Then scale the adjoint eigenvector to have unit inner product
alpha = inner_product(V[i], W[i])

# The adjoint eigenvectors can be the conjugate of the ones
# that are actually bi-orthogonal, so swap if necessary
if np.isclose(abs(alpha), 0, atol=tol):
# Swap adjoint vectors so that they are not orthonormal
W[i], W[i+1] = W[i+1], W[i]

alpha = inner_product(V[i], W[i])

W[i].assign(W[i] / alpha.conj())

# Sort by real part
sort_idx = np.argsort(-all_evals.real)
all_evals = all_evals[sort_idx]

V = [V[i] for i in sort_idx]
W = [W[i] for i in sort_idx]

# 4. Projection onto global modes

r = 12 # Number of global modes for projection
Ar = np.zeros((r, r), dtype=np.complex128)
Br = np.zeros((r, 1), dtype=np.complex128)
Cr = np.zeros((1, r), dtype=np.complex128)

A = flow.linearize(qB)
A.copy_output = True

def meas(q):
CL, _CD = flow.get_observations()
return CL

def real_part(q):

for i in range(r):
for j in range(r):
Ar[j, i] = inner_product(A @ V[i], W[j])

Br[i, 0] = inner_product(qC, W[i])
Cr[0, i] = meas(V[i])

# Finally the feedthrough term
Dr = meas(qC)

# 5. Transfer function of the reduced-order model
def H(s):
return Cr @ np.linalg.inv(Ar - s * np.eye(r)) @ Br + Dr

omega = 1j * np.linspace(0.01, 4.0, 1000)
H_omega = np.array([H(s).ravel() for s in omega])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 6), sharex=True)
ax[0].semilogy(omega.imag, np.abs(H_omega))
# ax[0].set_xlim(0, 2)
ax[1].plot(omega.imag, np.angle(H_omega))
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions examples/cylinder/model_reduction/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load data from model_reduction/
step_response = np.load("model_reduction/output/step_response.npy")
t, CL = step_response[:, 0], step_response[:, 1]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 3))
ax.plot(t, CL, label="CL")

# Transfer function: Fourier transform of the step response
fs = 1 / (t[1] - t[0])

n = len(CL)
f = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=1/fs)
CL_fft = np.sqrt(1 / 2 * np.pi) * np.fft.fft(CL) / fs

CL_fft = CL_fft / CL_fft[0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 6), sharex=True)
ax[0].semilogy(f[:n//2], np.abs(CL_fft[:n//2]))
ax[0].set_ylim(0.2, 6)
ax[1].plot(f[:n//2], np.angle(CL_fft[:n//2]))
ax[1].set_xlim(0, 2)
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions examples/cylinder/model_reduction/
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import firedrake as fd
import hydrogym.firedrake as hgym
from ufl import inner, dx, lhs, rhs

output_dir = "output"
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

flow = hgym.RotaryCylinder(

# 1. Solve the steady base flow problem
solver = hgym.NewtonSolver(flow)
qB = solver.solve()

# 2. Derive flow field associated with actuation BC
# See Barbagallo et al. (2009) for details on the "lifting" procedure
F = flow.residual(fd.split(qB)) # Nonlinear variational form
J = fd.derivative(F, qB) # Jacobian with automatic differentiation

bcs = flow.collect_bcs()

# Solve steady, inhomogeneous problem
qC = fd.Function(flow.mixed_space, name="qC")
v, s = fd.TestFunctions(flow.mixed_space)
zero = inner(fd.Constant((0.0, 0.0)), v) * dx
fd.solve(J == zero, qC, bcs=bcs)

# 3. Step response of the flow
# Second-order BDF time-stepping
A = flow.linearize(qB)
J = A.J

W = A.function_space
bcs = A.bcs
h = 0.01 # Time step

q = flow.q

_alpha_BDF = [1.0, 3.0 / 2.0, 11.0 / 6.0]
_beta_BDF = [
[2.0, -1.0 / 2.0],
[3.0, -3.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0],
k = 2

u_prev = [fd.Function(W.sub(0)) for _ in range(k)]

for u in u_prev:

def order_k_solver(k, W, bcs, u_prev):
q = flow.q

k_idx = k - 1
u_BDF = sum(beta * u_n for beta, u_n in zip(_beta_BDF[k_idx], u_prev[:k]))
alpha_k = _alpha_BDF[k_idx]

q_trial = fd.TrialFunction(W)
q_test = fd.TestFunction(W)
(u, p) = fd.split(q_trial)
(v, s) = fd.split(q_test)

u_t = (alpha_k * u - u_BDF) / h # BDF estimate of time derivative
F = inner(u_t, v) * dx - J

a, L = lhs(F), rhs(F)
bdf_prob = fd.LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, q, bcs=bcs, constant_jacobian=True)

"mat_type": "aij",
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "lu",
"pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",

petsc_solver = fd.LinearVariationalSolver(
bdf_prob, solver_parameters=MUMPS_SOLVER_PARAMETERS)

def step():
for j in range(k-1):
idx = k - j - 1
return q

return step

solver = {k: order_k_solver(k, W, bcs, u_prev) for k in range(1, k+1)}

tf = 1000.0
n_steps = int(tf // h)
CL = np.zeros(n_steps)
CD = np.zeros(n_steps)

# Ramp up to k-th order
for i in range(n_steps):
k_idx = min(i+1, k)
CL[i], CD[i] = flow.get_observations()

if i % 10 == 0:
hgym.print(f"t={i*h}, CL={CL[i]}, CD={CD[i]}")

data = np.column_stack((np.arange(n_steps) * h, CL, CD))"{output_dir}/step_response.npy", data)

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