This repository contains my personal dotfiles for configuring various programs and tools on my Linux system.
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Window Manager: BSPWM
- Notification Daemon: Dunst
- Wallpaper Setter: Feh
- Compositor: Picom
- Status Bar: Polybar
- Application Launcher: Rofi
- Hotkey Daemon: Sxhkd
- File Manager: Yazi
- PDF Viewer: Zathura
- Shell: Zsh
Clone the repository:
git clone
Move Dotfiles and Modify Them:
Navigate to the repository, move the configuration files to their respective locations and modify them according to your needs
Reload Configurations:
Restart the programs or re-login to apply the new configurations.
- Move
for default script icons to work. - Default fonts are:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.