Java library to enable writing to an XML file to populate an Allure report environment widget.
- Create a new HashMap of parameters
- Pass that HashMap into the
which then saves those keys / values into an XML file to be consumed by the Allure report environment widget. - Ability to customise the Allure directory
For more information on the Allure report environment widget -
import static com.github.dwilliamsgs.utils.AllureEnvironmentUtil.*;
public class AllureEnvironmentUtilTest {
public HashMap<String, String> parameters;
void generateAllureEnvironmentXml() {
parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("Environment", "Production");
parameters.put("Browser", "Chrome");
parameters.put("Version", "98.0.4758.102");
parameters.put("Url", "");
parameters.put("Scope", "Smoke");
public void hasAllureEnvironmentXmlBeenCreated() {
public void hasCustomAllureEnvironmentXmlBeenCreated() {
String customAllureDirectory = "target/allure-results-custom/";
writeAllureEnvironmentXml(parameters, customAllureDirectory);
assertTrue(new File(customAllureDirectory + DEFAULT_ALLURE_FILENAME).isFile());
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