The master branch contains the code currently on the production server. The staging branch contains the code on the staging server
Run the tests in parallel to save time.
bundle exec rake parallel:spec
Chibi is now set up for CI. Deployment will happen automatically when the tests pass by pushing to master or staging:
git push origin master
git push origin staging
heroku config:add DELIVER_REPLIES=1
heroku config:add DELIVER_REPLIES=0
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url --app chibi`
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U dave -d chibi_development latest.dump
rm latest.dump
curl -i -d "message[from]=85512223445&message[body]=m+Dave+kt+jong+rok+met+srey" --user username:secret
Under "Applications" select "edit" then under "Custom HTTP POST format" insert the following: