Version 0.13.0 is now translatable and translations for Chinese and Italian have been added! To volunteer to submit a new translation, see details in #65. A bug with Japanese text overflowing the bounds in grid views has also been addressed, and a brand new Peak Meter visualization is added among other improvements!
- #65 Add support for translations, and add Chinese and Italian translations
- Thanks @Ericwyn for translating to Chinese!
- Thanks @alessandrococco for translating to Italian!
- #428 Add a peak/RMS meter visualization
- #424 Add track info dialog and context menu item
- #409 Add support for Composer (new tracklist column, and row in Track Info dialog)
- Note that LMS is currently the only server that has implemented composer support
- #432 Use artist sortName for sorting artist grid by name, if present
- #415 Add button to sort artist discography by name or year (asc or desc)
- #317 Prevent Windows from sleeping while music playing
- Add a new button below the volume control to show a pop-up play queue
- Add a config file option to disable SSL/TLS validation (useful for self-signed certificates)
- #435 Japanese and possibly other scripts not truncating properly in grid views
- #420 Crash if navigating away from Artist page before cover image loaded
- #411 Regression in not detecting dark/light mode for Linux
- #417 Artist page not loading artist image for servers that don't support artist largeImageURL
- Memory leak when querying certain MPV properties
- #421 Fixed handling of multiple instances of the same track in the play queue
- #302 Improve metadata in Linux .desktop file
- Window occasionally misrendered into smaller space on opening for Linux over xwayland (more reliable fix than last release)