This is to be a frontend to download Quake maps from Quaddicted. Watch this space!
To run the main process' unit tests, do:
yarn workspace main jest
Build the main process (in VSCode) with Cmd-Shift-b. Then do:
yarn start
Changes to the renderer process get reloaded automatically. To pick up changes to the main process, enter Cmd-Shift-b to compile it, then choose Slipgate's "Restart" menu item to restart it.
Use the "Attach to Chrome" Run Configuration to debug the renderer process (the React).
There's a different workflow if you also need to debug the main process. First, start the React server:
BROWSER=none yarn workspace main start
When its port is open, use the "Electron: All" launch configuration in VSCode. You'll hit any breakpoint in the codebase.
For more details, refer to the Electron/React/TypeScript Boilerplate that this is based on.