Is the consul implementation for herald.
-- import "github.com/duckbunny/consul"
The consul package implements the Pool and Declare interfaces for the Herald package. https://github.com/duckbunny/herald
The package takes one flag "consul-ttl" to set the time until the service expires from consul using a heartbeat.
The package utilizies the Default client returned from consul api, but this can be overriden by editing.
ConsulConfig.Config.Address = ""
This service must be registered with herald.
Or you can fall back on the herald service registry, to register all available services.
var (
// TTL time to life for service in consul
TTL int = 15
// Where the ServiceKVPath resides
KVpath string = "services"
// Title for specifying herald in flags
Title string = "consul"
// Config falls back to client default config
ConsulConfig *api.Config = api.DefaultConfig()
func FormattedID(s *service.Service) string
FormattedID returns correctly formatted id of the service
func FormattedKey(s *service.Service) string
FormattedKey returns correctly formatted key of the service
func FormattedName(s *service.Service) string
FormattedName returns correctly formatted name of the service
func Register()
Register this herald with consul
type Consul struct {
// Agent to register service
Agent *api.Agent
// KV to save service definition
KV *api.KV
Consul structure
func New() *Consul
New Consul
func (c *Consul) Declare(s *service.Service) error
Send service definition to consul
func (c *Consul) Get(s *service.Service) error
Retrieve the consul service definition. Requires Domain, Title and Version be set. Returns err if not found.
func (c *Consul) Heartbeat(s *service.Service)
Heartbeat begins heart beat of health check.
func (c *Consul) Init() error
Init Consul herald with Default Settings
func (c *Consul) Start(s *service.Service) error
Start Register the service in the consul pool of services
func (c *Consul) Stop(s *service.Service) error
Kill the Hearteat and remove the service