This is a C++ port of the cubature
library, adapted for use in the sidis
event generator. Currently, this port has several limitations compared to the
original library:
- Only scalar integrands are supported (no vector integrands).
- Only the h-adaptive algorithm is supported.
- The dimension of the integrated region must be selected at compile time.
It also has some new features:
- Support for C++ closures and functor objects.
- User-specified real number types.
For more information, visit the original cubature project.
The library is provided in a header-only form, so you can place cubature.hpp
and cubature.ipp
in your include directory to start using it. Alternatively,
build and install using CMake.
As a simple example:
#include <cubature.hpp>
// ...
cubature::ErrEst<double> res = cubature::cubature(
[&](cubature::Point<3, double> x) {
return std::sin(x[0]) * std::cos(x[1]) * x[2] * x[2];
cubature::Point<3, double>{ xmin, ymin, zmin },
cubature::Point<3, double>{ xmax, ymax, zmax },
max_eval, req_abs_err, req_rel_err);
std::cout << "Integral: " << res.val << std::endl;
std::cout << "Error: " << res.err << std::endl;
// ...
A vectorized interface is also supported. To use it, call cubature_v
with a
functor of the signature:
functor(std::size_t num_points, cubature::Point3<N, R>* points, R* vals);