I built this app because I recently found a couple of gift cards - the debit ones that can be used anywhere - that had varying balances. There was no good way to keep track of each card's balance: pen/marker was just wiped off the card, no apps for checking debit card balances existed, and the process of checking it online was not only tedious but also manual - not even autocomplete worked.
So I created this iOS app to keep track of my gift card balances. It shows both my start and current balance, as well as the name, date, location, and amount for previous transactions.
Currently, the app only works for Vanilla One Visa Giftcards, but other cards can be supported by implementing the 'Card.h' interface/protocol (I'm a Java dev, so I believe it should be called an interface)
View all your giftcards - their starting and current balance
Option to delete and add giftcards
UI to add a new card
View a gift card's details; shows initial and current balance, card number, CVV code, expiration month and year, and recent purchases: transaction name, type, and amount
Tapping the blue XXs (ie. the "MM" under "Exp. Year") reveals the true value