Provides implementations of Encoder
and Decoder
, which I created for personal use.
Be aware, that this is a very early release, which "works for me" for the moment.
Provides CSVEncoder
and CSVDecoder
following the example set by JSONEncoder
and JSONDecoder
. They allow encoding and decoding of CSV-files.
- Instantiate a
. - Optionally configure options via methods on .configuration (currently only supported by
.) - Use methods of
The CSV-file:
"John Doe";"23";"0"
"Jane Doe";"42";"1"
The code:
struct Person: Decodable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let doesLikeBurgers: Bool
let decoder = CSVDecoder()
.decodeBoolean(trueValue: "1", falseValue: "0")
do {
let listOfPeople = try decoder.decode([Person].self, fromFile: URL(fileURLWithPath: "listofpeople.csv"))
} catch let error {
[Person(name: "John Doe", age: 23, doesLikeBurgers: false), Person(name: "Jane Doe", age: 42, doesLikeBurgers: true)]
Configuration not yet supported.
The code:
struct Person: Encodable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let doesLikeBurgers: Bool
let listOfPeople = [
Person(name: "John Doe", age: 23, doesLikeBurgers: false),
Person(name: "Jane Doe", age: 42, doesLikeBurgers: true)
do {
let csvData = try CSVEncoder().encode(listOfPeople)
print(String(data: csvData, encoding: .utf8)!)
} catch let error {
"John Doe","23","false"
"Jane Doe","42","true"
As CSV-files are tables, some limitations with regards to data-structures exist. To have simple support for Codable
, the optimal model is a flat struct of simple types, for example:
struct Demo: Codable {
let aBool: Bool
let aString: String
let aDouble: Double
let anInt: Int
Nested structures, like properties of non-primitive types or arrays of anything are not supported, for example:
struct Demo: Codable {
let anArray: [String]
let nestedType: Nested
struct Nested: Codable {
let aString: String
In decoding, though, custom decoders can be configured, for example:
struct Demo: Decodable {
let custom: Custom
struct Custom: Decodable {
let first: Int
let second: Int
.addCustomDecoder {
let values = $0.split(separator: "|")
Custom(first: String(values[0]), second: String(values[1]))
With a CSV-file like:
I created LogEncoder
and LogDecoder
to help me with understanding, how Encoder
and Decoder
works. I didn't find a lot of useful information. Most of it was "do this, do that", but no explanation of what is happening when and why.
will "encode" by writing output using print()
, describing the current coding-path and function. LogDecoder
decodes random-values and also prints the steps taken. Both helped me a lot to understand what is actually happening, especially weird cases.
So, if you have a use-case, a certain model that needs encoding into a format, you want to write an encoder for, you could do this:
struct Demo: Codable {
let aBool: Bool
let anOptional: Int?
let aNested: Nested
let anArray: [String]
struct Nested: Codable {
let anotherBool: Bool
let anotherString: String
let demo = Demo(
aBool: true,
anOptional: nil,
aNested: Nested(
anotherbool: false,
anotherString: "Wahtuuup?"
anArray: ["Hello", "World", "!"]
do {
try LogEncoder().encode(demo)
} catch let error {
/ _LogEncoder.container(keyedBy:)
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(Bool)=true key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "aBool", intValue: nil)
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value<T>(Nested)=Nested(anotherBool: false, anotherString: "Wahtuuup?") key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "aNested", intValue: nil)
/ _LogEncoder.codingPath = /aNested
/aNested _LogEncoder.container(keyedBy:)
/aNested _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(Bool)=false key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anotherBool", intValue: nil)
/aNested _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(String)="Wahtuuup?" key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anotherString", intValue: nil)
/aNested _LogEncoder.codingPath = /
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value<T>(Array<String>)=["Hello", "World", "!"] key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anArray", intValue: nil)
/ _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogEncoder.unkeyedContainer()
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=0 value<T>(String)=Hello
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/0
/anArray/0 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/0 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="Hello"
/anArray/0 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 1
/anArray/0 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=1 value<T>(String)=World
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/1
/anArray/1 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/1 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="World"
/anArray/1 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 2
/anArray/1 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=2 value<T>(String)=!
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/2
/anArray/2 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/2 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="!"
/anArray/2 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 3
/anArray/2 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /