RetroBar 1.2.15
Just unzip and run (since the app isn't signed, Windows Defender will likely require you to choose "more info," then "run anyway").
New features
- Click in the taskbar margins to activate buttons (#22)
- Drag over a taskbar button to restore that window (#16)
- Middle-click on taskbar buttons to open a new window
- More windows visible at a time in a scrolling taskbar
- Support for hiding system notification icons via GPO/registry (#11)
- Support for transparent themes
- Watercolor theme (modeled after build 2416 for the most part)
- Fixed appearance and behavior of flashing taskbar items
- Fixed appearance and behavior of the taskbar overflow scrollbar
- Fixed layout of taskbar when using non-integer scaling
- Fixed overflowed taskbar button size sometimes being incorrect
- Fixed overflowed taskbar not scrolling to active window when switching windows
- Fixed RetroBar covering some full-screen apps
- Fixed some notification icons not appearing or working incorrectly (#11)
- Fixed some windows not restoring correctly when clicked in the taskbar
- Fixed sounds not playing for minimize/restore when enabled
- Fixed system theme not updating when system color scheme changed
- Fixed UWP app icons not showing for some windows