Arduino sketch for regularly logging temperature and humidity data to a private cloud.
arduino-weather-station v1.0.0 (
Initialization successful
Reading sensor data
Reading sensor data successful (temperature: 22.30°C, humidity: 49.80%, brightness: 650)
Logging data
Connecting to WLAN "Arduino (2.4 GHz)"
Connecting to WLAN "Arduino (2.4 GHz)" successful (, -69 dBm)
Writing to Ubidots
Writing to Ubidots successful
Logging data successful
The configuration values are found at the top of arduino-weather-station.ino.
A value in angled brackets ([]) indicates an external constant, a slash (-) indicates no value.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
LED_PIN | uint8_t | [LED_BUILTIN] | Pin of the status LED |
DHT_PIN | uint8_t | 5 | Data pin of the DHT sensor |
DHT_TYPE | uint8_t | [DHT22] | Type of the DTH sensor |
PHOTORESISTOR_PIN | uint8_t | PIN_A0 | Pin of the photoresistor |
UPDATE_INTERVAL | uint32_t | 5 * 60 | Update interval in seconds (not guaranteed to be achieved) |
LOG_DATA | bool | false | Log the recorded data to Ubidots |
WLAN_SSID | char* | - | WLAN SSID |
WLAN_PASSWORD | char* | - | WLAN Password (secret) |
UBIDOTS_TOKEN | char* | - | Ubidots token (secret) |
UBIDOTS_ID_TEMPERATURE | char* | - | Ubidots temperature source id |
UBIDOTS_ID_HUMIDITY | char* | - | Ubidots humidity source id |
UBIDOTS_ID_BRIGHTNESS | char* | - | Ubidots brightness source id |
- 1x Arduino MKR1000 (WiFi101 Firmware v19.4.4)
- 1x DHT22 sensor
- 1x Resistor 10 kR
- 1x Photoresistor
- 1x Resistor 10 kR
[Circuit Version (without Photoresistor)](/circuit/Circuit - without Photoresistor.png)
Temperature: -40 to +80 degrees Celsius
Humidity: 0% to 100%
Brightness: 0 to 1023 (higher value means brighter)
The following states are communicated using the onboard LED:
- Initializing: LED is on (after turning the device on)
- Initialized: LED blinks three times (after initializing)
- Active: LED is on (reading or logging sensor values)
- Idle: LED is off (waiting for next update)
- Failing: LED blinks (last update failed)
All actions are communicated through the serial interface. This can be used for wired operation or debugging.
If turned on (LOG_DATA
), the temperature and humidity readings will be send to your Ubidots account.
This requires an active network connection (WLAN_SSID
), a Ubidots token (UBIDOTS_TOKEN
) and the data source IDs (UBIDOTS_ID_TEMPERATURE
) to be configured.
Logging data to ThingSpeak was removed in commit #147cc09 because it was not reliable.
If reading any sensor, connecting to the network or logging data fails, it is retried for up to a total of three times.
If you don't want to use a photoresistor), revert the changes of commit #a100466 or remove the corresponding code.
There is no configuration option to disable reading or logging only the brightness value.
- SPI v1.0.0 by Arduino
- WiFi101 v0.12.0 by Arduino
- DHT v1.3.0 by Adafruit (external)
- UbidotsArduino #2803d20 by Ubidots (external)
- Support LCD panel: Planned by the end of January 2016
- Support barometer: Planned by the end of February 2016
- Exclude sensitive data from repository: Not worth the effort
- Keep hisotry of most recent sensor readings: Not worth the effort as long as network connecting works reliably
- Use better library for uploading to Ubidots: Not worth the effort as long as UbidotsArduino works reliably
- Add command/ button to force update: Not worth the complexity and effort