Kraftkit is a suite of tools and framework for building custom, minimal, immutable lightweight virtual machines based on Unikraft. With KraftKit, you can use unikernels at every stage of their lifecycle: from construction to production.
You can quickly and easily install KraftKit using the interactive installer. Simply run the following command to get started:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Alternatively, you can download the binaries from the releases pages.
Building a unikernel with KraftKit is designed to be simple.
Add a Kraftfile
to your project directory, which specifies the libraries needed for your unikernel:
specification: v0.5
unikraft: stable
newlib: stable
- name: default
architecture: x86_64
platform: kvm
You can also add an additional
which specifies any source files:
$(eval $(call addlib,apphelloworld))
Then it is a case of running:
cd path/to/workdir
kraft pkg update
kraft build
You can run your unikernel using:
kraft run
KraftKit is part of the Unikraft OSS Project and licensed under BSD-3-Clause