Ruby + Amazon Advertising == Car RAmazon_Advertising - Say Car RAmazon_Advertising!
Ruh roh’ Rorge it’s an object oriented approach to Amazon’s overly complicated product api that has a new name every 2 weeks.
Complete with the ability to use nokogiri selectors for results
Currently only supports product search and retrieval. Requests are signed properly. More soon!
Ramazon::Configuration.access_key = "Your Access Key" Ramazon::Configuration.secret_key = "Your Secret Key" @products = Ramazon::Product.find(:item_id => "B000NU2CY4", :response_group => "Medium") @products[0].title @products[0].asin @products[0].upc @products[0].large_image.url @products[0].url #you can also use a nokogiri search string to get elements that don't have built-in accessors @products[0].get("ItemAttributes Actor").collect{|a| a.content}
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bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
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Copyright © 2009 Dan Pickett. See LICENSE for details.